
Too Much Garlic

Master Member
Why is everybody doing the same thing? I'm wondering. There are so many subjects, but for some reason different sculptors choose the same subject and we see several threads of the same thing, though by different artists, of the same subject, but with each sculptor or crafters individual take on it... and any comment anyone makes is taken as taking sides.

I'm just wondering... why the over-exposure on the same stuff? And why the rivalry? It just seems so... wasted, when there's so much other stuff that could be cool to see as a sculpt.

Or... am I just... alone in thinking this? :confused
You already wrote it.

There are two key words in your post:

- "individual"


- "artist"

With all the creative juices flowing, who should stop an artist from trying to get that urge (!) to create something, the driving force behind artistry, out of their system? And especially if it is something they really dig, or even love? And you know the saying "ingenious minds often think alike".

Who should coordinate the efforts and projects anyway, with all those individuals? Should they all line up and wait for a project to be assigned to them? I work in an area where everyone´s an artist (except for me maybe), and getting all those people together for the same cause, say, wages, is almost impossible. Theres so much rivalry and envy and personal stuff going on, it´s mind boggling. But I guess with enthusiasm and creativity comes madness...

So, I don´t think that you can coordinate artists. They are not working in a factory, and hence the rules are different.

Artistry means freedom, and of course choosing what you can do is the greatest freedom. I am pretty sure that no artist will let anyone take that freedom away from him ;)

EDIT: I just went to have a look at another forum, and now I get your "rivalry"-reference :\ Yeah, well, artists. Mozart and Salieri, a lot of the painters, german movie makers in the 1960ies (insane cliques)
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I can't speak for others, but I know personally I choose stuff I want to have or to create for myself. I've found that when I'm commissioned or paid to work on something it can become tedious and difficult fast. Part of the reason is that something may seem cool when you start, but quickly becomes a pain for one thing or another and so you keep working on it because you were paid to do it (you must be professional about it) but then when you do finish you're happy you took the challenge. With personal stuff, you can cut corners, or make a mountain out of a mole hill, it's your choice that makes it fun, no pressure. When you're paid to do someone else's stuff, unless they think like you, it will can be very confusing trying to interpret they're intentions or ideas, and so you invariably end up remaking the same piece several times to get it right. (or at least what the client deems right, they paid you after all, they get to say what they want.) For me the pressure makes me angry that I don't have more time to make it perfect, on the flip side though I get impaitent, so i find working faster makes me think of ways to work cleaner and more efficent. When I was just a newbie in the effects industry a friend of mine told me "Modelmakers are the lasiest people, they will always find the fastest, easiest way to make something." It's totally true, as a sculpter, I will always find a part of the sculture that I can build, so I have to sculpt less, maybe it's becuase I was a builder before a sculpter.
Whatcha talking about Willis? I havent noticed it. Open my eyes:eek Im planning on doing a 300 helmet just because i need something 'antiquey' for my living room after the wife swapped to pieces of art to decorate elsewhere in the house.

To answer i would speculate that if someone sees a great sculpt in progress, it would definatly inspire others to get off their butt. It works for me:lol
All the yoda's,Mauls, Vaders, Chewy's, Halo,& Iron Man things are safe things to do for sculptors. Plenty of reference, you can look at someone else's work and get ideas etc.
They are hot now and people will buy the casts for sure. Sure there's rivalry here, it's all about one-upman ship for some. Not too many people making that Vlix bust or that Boba fett from the holiday special with that
I usually do what interests me and sometimes seeing other people's work inspires me to do my own version. I understand what you're saying, but I don't see anything wrong with it. It's just that the stuff that's 'overdone' is the popular stuff. There's a reason it's popular. I also won't do something that I deem too difficult or if someone has done an amazing job.
I think it illustrates a shift in some of the community (perhaps influenced by the economy). Instead of going to the RPF to see what they can buy, they are now coming to the RPF for inspiration and making it themselves.
Okay, I'll say it. (please remember, this does not speak to ALL the sculptors on the forum)

I have witnessed on more than one occassion how some sculptors egos are easily bruised. I can remember one time when a well know sculptor here asked opinions about a piece he was working on. A few people gave him some feedback and he got MAD! So mad that he said he would never sell to those people again!

On another occasion I had a sculptor harrass me via e-mail (yes, he is well known here) and rip me a new one because I had the nerve, and no right to express my opinion in public as to who I felt (my opinion) the best sculptor on the RPF was! (yes, I still have the PM's!)

My point being that I feel from my experience, ego's get the best of them. I sculpt something and everyone really likes it. Bob does his own sculpt and everyone LOVES it! I won't stand for that! Time for me to do one better than Bob!

I realize that many people will object to my point-of-view, and that's fine. I'm always willing to listen, but I fear my position may not change.
Funky , you always make me laugh my friend. so who was your favorite sculptor..just kidding i don't want to start PM's flyin'
Well i used to think it was just a bit of healthy competition, but ego now seems to be getting in the way, and with some paranoia.
I'm making stuff that i want myself, haven't tackled to many star wars projects as they've been done to death,, though i was inspired by the recent yoda posts to revisit the little green gnome.
Its supposed to be a hobby, to be fun and share idea's, if your just in it for the money and the ego maybe its time to step back and look at yourself
People don't remember that there's always someone better than you at anything. People have egos because others have put them on a pedestal for some reason . Anyone can be a sculptor or artist , it just takes patience and time to learn.
The best artists are ones that help grow the hobby, share information and help others
People don't remember that there's always someone better than you at anything. People have egos because others have put them on a pedestal for some reason . Anyone can be a sculptor or artist , it just takes patience and time to learn.
The best artists are ones that help grow the hobby, share information and help others


And without hurting anyone's feeling (lol, like I can control that) there's a bunch of noobs who may or may not be great or good at any of this stuff, but they sure grew up with the internet so they feel like they can type away without respect to the community. As if they were the self-appointed specialist on any given subject.

Yea, there sure is a bunch of trends going on, I love seeing people create for themselves, learn, grow and figure stuff out. Check the attitude or even the ego at the door.
Why is everybody doing the same thing? I'm wondering. There are so many subjects, but for some reason different sculptors choose the same subject and we see several threads of the same thing, though by different artists, of the same subject, but with each sculptor or crafters individual take on it... and any comment anyone makes is taken as taking sides.

I'm just wondering... why the over-exposure on the same stuff? And why the rivalry? It just seems so... wasted, when there's so much other stuff that could be cool to see as a sculpt.

Or... am I just... alone in thinking this? :confused

That´s what I ´m asking myself over and over again. As you may know, I´m a sculptor myself.
I was always interested to sculpt what other´s didn´t. I created those things as many others: To have them. Next to my own old inventions, I made replicas from Darth Vader, Yoda, Stormtroopers, Chewie, C3-PO, Dustin Hoffman as "Hook" in several shapes and sized, in times I knew from no one who makes it before me.
The last thing I want to do nowandys in my limited spare time is to be another Robocop, Terminator, Alien, Indy...,,.sculptor. Not nowadays where there are so many talented people involved in such projects and are combined via internet from all over the world.
I´m very busy to forfill all my sculpting/modellmaking orders, so I guess I unfortunately quit the hobby.
The only exeptions I am willing to make are projects I have begun since 23 years ago, that I want to refine if I see a need there, like Vader (with focus on Reveal Vader), Stormtroopers, Chewie, Dustin Hoffman as Hook, etc:lol
Maybe some classic movie characters that I love, and who nobody I know sculpted yet. I will definately not sculpt any charcters from the latest "movies":sick that´s for sure.
Only if it is an official order.

nowadays my focus is set on my own inventions, I make as a sculptor where I can live from.
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I find it comical that very few sculptors are posting to this thread. And no, I don't buy that "they haven't seen this thread". Really? The only word in the title is "Sculptors". :lol
I know a couple of the sculptors on this board fairly well and know for a fact that some of them happen to do this for a living.

Now, with that said, what you have to keep in mind is that on the RPF Star Wars and Indy sells.

So, while I'm a big time horror buff and would love to see more of that genre represented here I'd be kidding myself if I thought for an instant that a life sized Chaney Wolfman sculpt would attract as much attention as a life sized Indiana Jones or a life sized Yoda would. I think that's why you get so many of the same subjects tackled by different sculptors here on the board ... just my take ...
Creative work + demand and production = Covering expenses. If we got free access to all types of material and castings... Then HEY:love it would be allot of creative projects and production, but if you remove demand then your just left with allot of materials in your room.

Howver beeing sculptor now is more dificult, other methods like taking a 3D scan or outline the art on computer rendering turnnig it into paper has taken the creative breath out of the sculpture artist.
Why paint when you can get a machine to perfect it, why sculpt when you can have a perfect 3D printer make you what you want, why sculpt a replica when you can transform a prop in paper. People cutting corners to profiter higher.

I still got hope people will order more sculptural work in the future because then you can eaiser get your own wanted design, it has its benefits!!!
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i think it comes down to 2 things.

whether you sculpt for creative expression, or if you sculpt for profit.

if the latter, then you gotta go with whats hot at the moment.