Screen caps needed: '66 Batman movie: Total dehydrator


Master Member
Well, I'm working on the Total Dehydrator from the Batman movie but I don't have a way to save screen grabs. Any chance someone could get a few pics for me? It would mean a great deal. :)
I normally am all over doing screen grabs but for some reason my Batman disc will not load on my computer.

I thought I had a bunch from the previous thread about this, but I can't find them.

Well, I'm working on the Total Dehydrator from the Batman movie but I don't have a way to save screen grabs. Any chance someone could get a few pics for me? It would mean a great deal. :)

I'll sort some for you.
P.S saw the other thread awsome stuff i'm jealous :)
defstartrooper, you sir, are my new hero! I couldn't have asked for better pictures! Thank you so much, bro.:thumbsup
I've already aquired the proper vacuum cleaner model. Right now I'm working on the water container. When it starts taking shape I'll post up some pics.
I've already aquired the proper vacuum cleaner model. Right now I'm working on the water container. When it starts taking shape I'll post up some pics.

You gonna use real copper tube to make that spiral, or paint some plastic tube to look like it?
Metal pipe seems like it would be a bear to wind around something :confused
any progress on this. I would like to know if anyone has the type of Vacuum cleaner. It look remarkably like one I had at one of my jobs once. Would look great up on the wall .
any progress on this. I would like to know if anyone has the type of Vacuum cleaner.
I'm pretty sure I grew up with that vacuum cleaner. It was an Electrolux and since I was born in 1970 that puts it in the right era. I think I finally threw it away a couple of years ago.

Edit: Doing a little more research it looks like an Electrolux model XXX, or also known as model 30.
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I'm pretty sure I grew up with that vacuum cleaner. It was an Electrolux and since I was born in 1970 that puts it in the right era. I think I finally threw it away a couple of years ago.

Edit: Doing a little more research it looks like an Electrolux model XXX, or also known as model 30.

Looking at the original vacuum cleaner they sure did a number on it transforming it into the dehydrator. I'd love to have a dehydrator like that, but there's no way I can make that myself. Getting the vacuum cleaner is easy, but that water container and the nozzle (or whatever you call it) are beyond my capabilities :cry
Looking at the original vacuum cleaner they sure did a number on it transforming it into the dehydrator. I'd love to have a dehydrator like that, but there's no way I can make that myself. Getting the vacuum cleaner is easy, but that water container and the nozzle (or whatever you call it) are beyond my capabilities :cry

you could do it. I've seen your mego work . The best items are made by yourself and not just bought to say you have it.
you could do it. I've seen your mego work . The best items are made by yourself and not just bought to say you have it.

Thanks, but making custom Megos isn't quite like a building a dehydrator. Where do you get the parts for the water tank? How do you make that nozzle? I wouldn't know where to start... I've never built props before, I don't have the tools necessary for this.
But I do agree it's quite satisfying to make something yourself