Scratch Building a TOS Battlestar Galactica???


Well-Known Member

I have been contemplating a scratch build of the TOS BSG. I am interested in doing a half studio scale or slightly smaller. Say three feet or even two feet. What would be a better size, the two or three feet as far as donor kits go? Which length would lend itself for better use of kits that are out there for donor parts? In other words what would be a good scale to work with for use of smaller kits out there for kitbashing? I don’t want nor could I afford to buy every kit to get every exact greeble in place, I just want to do a decent replica for myself.

I have Jim Stevenson’s Blueprints (137th Gebirg) to what size do I enlarge to reach an appropriate scale? I am thinking of taking them to kinkos to do so.

Any suggestions or advice is very welcomed.

Thanks and I enjoy the forum very much!
From what I've seen, even if you can find an original donor kit for the studio model that is roughly half the size (i.e. 2X the scale), the individual detail part in question probably won't match. As a result, you will end up building most of the details from scratch or settling for approximate details using kit parts that at least look similar.

This could be one reason why very few half-studio-scale models of the Galactica have ever been finished. I can only think of two of them off the top of my head.

That's not to say you can't do it -- just be aware of what you could be getting yourself into.

I've drawn very accurate plans for this subject and I scaled the drawings to half the size of the original studio miniature to make them more manageable to print. Anyone interested in obtaining a set should contact me via PM. Thanks! :)