Scott Pilgrim Shirts and Costume Thread


Well-Known Member
So I loved the Comic Book, and the movie looks awesome too, and I'm kind of in love with the shirts that Scott Pilgrim wears, so I was thinking about starting a thread about This movie's costumes. I'm posting a few at the moment, more to come, and if someone wanted to post screenies of Ramona's costumes(which seem to change every single frame) then go at it!

Also, if you know where to get any of the shirts, post links and I'll edit this post and give you credit!


Match Pik USA Shirt


4 1/2 shirt



Scott Pilgrim Heart shirt. (Smashing Pumpkins)


Pixel Skull


Weird Circle T.



Plumtree. I have actually wanted this shirt for a while, but I can't figure out where to get it, because it took me ages just to find the band's logo so I can make a hi-res version of the logo. Well, I did, and now I just need to find the red rimmed yellow shirts to make a run of these.
So does anyone know where to get the red rimmed yellow shirt from, so I can screen print the logo and do a run of these?


Wallace Wells "W.W." Polo
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Well, I'd like to pull off a Scott Pilgrim costume for Comic Con 2010. Plus, those shirts will be expensive, and I doubt Hot Topic will put out the CBC shirts.

As for the rest, it might be hard, because I was reading, and a few of those shirts were custom made for the movie, so that they looked exactly like the Comic. And it might conflict with record labels or something. I don't know, lol.
Lol, that's exactly what I was going to do, as, I work at Michaels, and we have our own screen printing machine.

Haha Thanks though!

Edit: The one thing I'm having extreme trouble finding is the Yellow/red Ringer Tee.
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That's a retro CBC shirt. I'd say late 80's early 90's CBC logo. On the other hand, it might be a pre-color-tv logo (hence black and grey)

Here's the colorful 70's one

They don't seem to be selling the black and grey version.


PS: dear americans, give us back out hockey night in canada themesong. you are a yank, it doesn't even fit.

REPRESENT! I saw the CBC logo and I went rushing to Google to post it. well done, Canada!
Lol, that's exactly what I was going to do, as, I work at Michaels, and we have our own screen printing machine.

Haha Thanks though!

Edit: The one thing I'm having extreme trouble finding is the Yellow/red Ringer Tee.



Go to and buy a Gildan Red/White ringer tee. After that, give it a quick toss in some Rit Golden Yellow dye. That's what I did to make my Plumtree shirt! I made my Plumtree screen cheap style, some Modge Podge glue painted over a hand-stretched frame.
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great work! im thinking about doing this as well. do u have a copy of the plumtree logo? cant find one online. also, how did you dye the shirt yellow without messing up the collar and sleeves?


Go to and buy a Gildan Red/White ringer tee. After that, give it a quick toss in some Rit Golden Yellow dye. That's what I did to make my Plumtree shirt! I made my Plumtree screen cheap style, some Modge Podge glue painted over a hand-stretched frame.

So the Yellow dye won't mess up the red rings on the shirt? I've got Rit dye at my store, so I might do that!!

great work! im thinking about doing this as well. do u have a copy of the plumtree logo? cant find one online. also, how did you dye the shirt yellow without messing up the collar and sleeves?

I actually do. It's a high-res Photoshop file I did, but I'll post it in whatever format you like when I get home.. It's print ready, and I plan on using it as a Screenprinting template, but I'm sure you could print it out in
high quality jpg would be fine, thanks! actually just went hunting at the local mall for scott pilgrim style wristbands, but nothing, not even at hot topic. any suggestions on that? btw, i have some reference photos i pulled from the trailer a while ago that ill post a lil later.
Well, as for the wristbands, I know my store(Michael's Arts and Crafts) doesn't have any wristbands at the moment because it's a fall seasonal item. But we do have them for the fall. Other than that, you might want to try Joanne's since it's more of a fabric store.

And if that doesn't work, you can always find blanks online no problem.

Also, I have a high-res Smashing Pumpkins "SP" heart logo I'll post too.
high quality jpg would be fine, thanks! actually just went hunting at the local mall for scott pilgrim style wristbands, but nothing, not even at hot topic. any suggestions on that? btw, i have some reference photos i pulled from the trailer a while ago that ill post a lil later.

Sorry for the double post, but thought this was significant for a "bump."

But I'm home now, so here are the High Res files:
OH! I actually have that one too! It's not a perfect rendition, but it's great for all the "Iron-on DIYers" out there.

Hope that helps!

EDIT: Also, you don't have to, but I'd like it if you use the logos I made, if you could post your shirt and show the community! Haha
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