Scifi channel movie knockoff: before the real one is even out

Wes R

Legendary Member
9Pm tonight they have Battle Of Los Angeles, it's an hour and a half so apparently they already knocked off the one coming out in theaters with record speed.
Yeah C Thomas Howe, his career sure hit the skids after the 80s, was in both of them. I did see one low budget War of the worlds movie from england that wasn't bad. It was 3 hours long and followed the book and even had period costumes.
God I bought that War of the Worlds knock off (the C. Thomas Howell one). $5 bin at Walmart.




Even jake busey being a crazy clone of his dad didn't help lol. This company make low budget films look bad.
That's being mean to fan films lol. I have to see if i can find a link about the one that takes place in the correct time period. The effects and acting aren't good but the fact that they were willing to put effort into making it take place in the 1800s and followed the book for 3 hours of film impressed me.
This movie was beyond ****. But it had Hot chick with Samurai Sword, who became Hot chick with Samurai Sword, and an Eyepatch.
I gave this a chance but GOD, was that hard to sit through.

Some scenes recycled over and over and over and over.

Sadly, (or maybe not) I dozed off through most of the last hour.
I doubt I missed much.

Most of the ships interior was made up of plastic shipping pallets.
It was pretty sad.
I tried to watch it, I really did but when they were restocking ammo and the guy told them where to get chow I kept expecting Kel to say " Welcome to goodburger home of the goodburger can I take your order"
I watched like 20 mins of it while I was eating. I love the downed pilot chick who was running from the aliens and doing random/unnecessary somersaults. :lol