San Diego Prop Party!!! Over. Thanks guys.

Re: San Diego Prop Party!!! May 16th. Who's coming?

Randy, I missed the convention where you brought your props last year and can't wait to see them next week.

I hope you bring some RE:A stuff along. Sadly, most of my collection is back home and the only stuff I have here are my RE vials, but I will bring them along.
Re: San Diego Prop Party!!! NOW May 30th. Who's coming?

Edit: I had to reschedule. My teacher just scheduled a make up class for the 16th because he doesn't know how to show up to class on our regular day (a weeknight) for two weeks now.

I figured that combined with all the people that cannot make it on the 16th was a pretty good reason to do it on the 30th.

Sorry guys.

Updated. Okay. Who can make it now?
Re: San Diego Prop Party!!! NOW May 30th. Who's coming?

Barring a job offer from one of the 25 places I applied while here. I am returning to South Dakota on Wednesday. Can't make it.
Re: San Diego Prop Party!!! NOW May 30th. Who's coming?

I can make it on the 16th, but if it was moved to another day like the 30th, I can make it still.
Re: San Diego Prop Party!!! NOW May 30th. Who's coming?

I guess that I'll be there on the 30th now.

Re: San Diego Prop Party!!! NOW May 30th. Who's coming?

I have never been to a prop party before.

Are they replica only, or mixed with originals, etc?


From past prop parties on the boards, they can be anything, replica or screenused.

People have brought full Stormtrooper costumes to small paper props like ID cards.
Re: San Diego Prop Party!!! NOW May 30th. Who's coming?

Dang, I cannot WAIT for the next prop party to come around.
Re: San Diego Prop Party!!! NOW May 30th. Who's coming?

There should be nothing to keep me from making it bro.

Looking forward to seeing some old friends and meeting new members I have not met yet.

(P.S) Shadowknight has good beer there that he said we could all have ;)
Re: San Diego Prop Party!!! NOW May 30th. Who's coming?

(P.S) Shadowknight has good beer there that he said we could all have ;)

That depends on what you consider good. I tend to usually go with MGD or Heineken. Perhaps a Stone IPA mixed in there from time to time. Note to self, lock beer bridge. :lol
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Re: San Diego Prop Party!!! NOW May 30th. Who's coming?

As for the BBQ, I am bringing some burgers. What are you guys bringing? Oh, and Cenobyte seems like he should be grillmaster. :lol
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