Safely removing enamel paint of ABS ?????

Bountyhunter Niko

Well-Known Member
Hi there guys.

I brought a set of Clone armour off a guy. It was a good price. It's a mix of Atin and OSCS. Helmet is OSCS. But he went crazy on his weathering. He used black enamel paint !!!!! It's way over done. He went crazy. It looks like the trooper just rolled in a charcoal pit.

Now I've tried to remove it.
1st I used 'sugar soap'. No good.
2nd I used bleach. No good.
3rd I used methylated spirits. This worked pretty good. But not great.

Any suggestions? I realy don't want to strip it back and paint if if I can get away with it.
Brake fluid (regular DOT 3) does a pretty good job on enamels. Just test a small area to see how it affects the ABS. I know it has no affect on styrene and resin.

Failing that, try Gunze Sangyo Mr. Color Thinner. I know that will work, without hurting the ABS.

Simple Green or over cleaner will probably work too. As always be SURE to check what it does to the ABS prior to using a lot of it.