Russell's ANH Solo Gloves Project Is Still On


Master Member
This is a new thread on the advice of Jedirick in regards to Russ's 2nd run of Solo gloves, and we request we keep it civil and to people that are involved in the project...

I will keep this short and say that I have made contact with Russ and he assures me that this project is still a go even after all the delays, and he has assured me when there is a "real" update he will post it...

I asked if I could post on his behalf and he said no problem, so here goes...

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....I got frustrated with my last supplier and went back to my original
supplier. He told me that he has some new contacts and might be able to
take this a different route. He and I talked about 3-4 weeks ago and
discussed materials and designs. He asked for a few weeks to come up with
some information. After I received your email message this morning, I made
a follow-up call to my supplier. I wasn't able to reach him so I left a
voice mail. It usually takes a few days for him to respond to me, but he is
very reliable. As soon as I have some definitive information to share, I'll
be happy share the news with everyone.[/b]

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I certainly don't mind you posting a summary of our
conversation, I don't want anyone to loose any more hope in me. I'm
determined to see this project to the end even if it takes longer than I
ever would have anticipated. I hope to hear something from my supplier in
the next week or so, and will hopefully haves some significant information
when to share. When I have some news, I'll post myself. Thanks for
understanding-- this has been pretty embarrassing how long this has drawn


That's it for now, lets all hope we hear a real update comes in the next few days...
I believe that the problem was never how long this was taking (it is an RPF project after all. :p ) I think its stems from 2 things. First off, the apparent lack of refund to those who requested it. I think first and foremost this must be dealt with immediately. These are not large sums we are talking, almost paltry amounts, but they are still someone elses money. Russ really has to take charge of this and refund those who requested. Second is the fact that a simple update to tell us the project is still on-going is ALL we want to hear. Once every coupla weeks a 60 second "hey, still alive, nothing new to report" is the easiest thing anyone could do. Months and months of no communication gets us all antsy especially when there are outstanding refund issues on the plate...

I'm glad this is still a go, and I like many others will wait it out, but Russ really has to act on these two concerns...Refund those who requested and semi-regular updates (even if there is nothing to update - heck, update could be done by anyone who has Russ' ear, just update. :) )
I agree with nekro completely. I am only not worried as he only has 20.00 of my money. If it were more I would be blazing a hole through this project. As it stands, and i am being civil here, If i ever see the gloves, i will be amazed. I would like them but this project will has been running for more than 3 years. I paid 3 years ago come october. And it always seems like something is coming up. I want to believe in Russ but, first it was a supplier, then another one, then the material, then chineese new year 3 times, now its another supplier again. Its always something that is making there be no headway at all on this project. We dont even have a completed proto as far as i know for this run from the maker we are using. It just starts to get old. I also dont think we needed a new thread, the other one was still civil and on target. But like i said, i will wait it out and hopefully be proven wrong

Flynn, while I appreciate your efforts in this, there are actually 2 things that bother me:

1 - Russ has NOT logged on the board since March, so I have my doubts as to getting regular updates. Proof can be found in his profile - Last Active - 9th March 2006 - 09:36 PM

2 - People have requested refunds, those need to be dealt with before this project moves anywhere.

While I want a set of his gloves, I am extremely leary of this without hearing from Russ himself. How can we be sure we will get updates? Are the refunds going to be taken care of? What assurances do we have? :confused

This post was merely to notify people that Russ has not dropped of the face of the earth and that there is still a line of communication open, that was, and is, the extent of it...

I'm neither defending nor do I want to act as a conduit for communication, I'm just like everyone else here in that I placed a deposit with an RPF member and I'm waiting for product...

I was happy to make contact with Russ and figured I would pass the information along to others...

Now out of curiosity how many people have asked for a refund? I skimmed over the last thread and only found a couple... This seems to be the biggest sour point (setting aside no updates) so a list of refunds would probably be benificial, and maybe Russ could focus on resolving this problem...

Fron the last thread (and this thread) I have for refunds (updated as needed)

** Micdavis (partial received)
** kurtyboy
then I misread your post, it sounded like you were going to be the communication point - appologies

I thought Kurtyboy had asked for a refund as well....

I'd like a refund please. I can't even remember how long I've been trying to get it.
any updates? I think Russ needs to get on here and update us :angry

still not going to hold my breath but i will wait a little longer i guess. Been out the 20.00 for 3 years, might as well wait and see if gloves come or not now. To me, now its just like i paid 20.00 for a ticket to join in on these threads

Yep...only partial refund for me. I long ago abandoned this project.

But if anything ever actually occured, I'd still be interested in a pair.

Still would like the rest of my money back.