RPF New Look Feedback Thread

I really like the new look, been a lurker here for a little bit, but compared to the old site, this is more professional and more updated with the times, compared to the old one.

A variable width theme perhaps though? I know Angelus had the JS script, but perhaps have one built in? Shouldn't be too hard to install, and just let users pick which one they prefer :)

I like the logo, but not the incomplete box around the options. It doesn't match since there's no text there to fill it. Now if you put some text there, that's a different story :)
I like it. The huge icons for each section lead my eye to them rather than me digging to find them like the old style. Well done fellas. :)

YES!! Junkyard is BACK.

and thanks for the banner, Art. it's still funny.
Small nitpick - any chance we can get in-line links underlined in the work-safer theme? It's tough to see the difference between the link and other text.
I'm relatively new, so I always thought it was the "junkyard" when did it change to the "marketplace" and when did it change back?

I like junkyard :)
general thumbs up from me. clean style and nice and easy on the eyes but I do like the rhboyd logo.

got a very sky captain/lobster johnson 20's feel I like. no chance of an RPF t-shirt with that logo on?
I haven't been on in a while, so I have to say I was somewhat disoriented at first. Really though, it looks great. Though the blue stock buttons really do have the sore thumb thing happening. Throwing them into an image editor and darkening the blue to match "newbtn_middle.png" would make a world of difference, and only take a few minutes. I'd be happy to make a set up for you, if you'd like.
I see Junkyard, is this an anomaly or did it change back?

So fixed width is now the only part that really sucks.
I'm sure the look will change and themes and styles will be added and tweaked for a while, but the width thing is really the only complaint for me.
I guess if "trendier websites" or whoever is being followed decide to go back to variable width, even though it is harder, then we will get it back here too. Hopefully soon, with all the inexpensive, wide format monitors out now.

I remember trying to design sites for tiny little 13" monitors (maybe they were 12?) and it was so painful!

Glad to see Junkyard back, it's seems more creative and unique. :D
I've noticed that some bits of text/numbers, page numbers, and thread titles have shifted to such a dark purple that it's almost unreadable. Is this a new type of setting or some kind of glitch?
I've noticed that some bits of text/numbers, page numbers, and thread titles have shifted to such a dark purple that it's almost unreadable. Is this a new type of setting or some kind of glitch?

This is tough to say because everyone's monitor settings are different, not to mention that there is a drastic difference when looking at the site on a CRT vs an LCD.
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