RPF New Look Feedback Thread

Dunno if it's been pointed out yet or not but most of the graphics don't work in IE 6:

I know the standard answer to that is "update your brower" but that's not possible on my work computer. :unsure
I'm late to this party - very sorry, and I haven't read all the replies.
I just clicked over from Art's anouncement post.

I love the new forum look - but I think the logo is a little too bottom heavy.
For a T-shirt design, I think something like this would look good.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Apologies to all the talented members who worked on this, you've done great work here - just my 2 cents, that's all!
I don't mind the new dark theme although being a hardcore SW fan I love the old look better myself. But the main thing that bothers me and it has been mentioned before is the huge blank voids on either side of my screen........ Please say this will be fixed after migration????
I have been using the Star Wars theme but don't mind this new one at all. I used the other because I honestly didn't like the default theme. Nice work! I may have to switch over to this one permanently :)
Yes the Work-Friendly style looks much better to me now. So much easier to browse. Thanks!

I can agree with Westies on the black too. Maybe #333333 (darkest non-black) or #666666 (ligheter but still dark gray).

Just floating this one out there...
Ah, looks like you added the "visited link" color. Almost too subtle, but thanks a lot! Way easier to find the threads you want to re-visit.

Yes the Work-Friendly style looks much better to me now. So much easier to browse. Thanks!

I can agree with Westies on the black too. Maybe #333333 (darkest non-black) or #666666 (ligheter but still dark gray).

Just floating this one out there...

The text on the work-friendly theme was already #333... I did lighten the links slightly as they were straight black.
Ah, looks like you added the "visited link" color. Almost too subtle, but thanks a lot! Way easier to find the threads you want to re-visit.


Yes, we have gone back and added visited link colors for all three themes. They are subtle as we are crazy about visited links to start with but as it is a usability issue, we didn't want you guys to go without.
I like the new look!

But, I have to say, I will miss the "classic" skin this place -- my favourite place on the 'net -- has used since I started lurking back in '03.

Still, onwards and upwards!
Right, I've got the fix instaled hat gives me the widesreen look back from here: http://www.therpf.com/f16/full-width-style-modification-109394/
So that makes things a lot better.
The colours are nice, and I do prefer the scheme to the plain black.

The icons are meh, and the two that have three word names are out of alignment with the others, at least on my screen.
Still not digging the logo. OK, I get that you want it to be more... generic than a cluttered Star Wars themed one, but white test in an iphone icon box is just bland, boring, and disappointingly uncreative. I'd have expected more from a forum with as much talent as this.
I'd like stamp in the upper corner that shows it's Adam Savage approved (see mock up I have prepared).
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