Round 2's 1/350 TOS Enterprise to Have Accessory Saucers Without Grid Lines

In a press release* Round 2 stated:

"To honor the 50th anniversary of one of the two great sci-fi franchises, the bigger being Star Wars but we don't have that license (damn it), we decided to pull out all the stops! We started planning years ago and made the investment in time and capital to come out with a new tool kit of a subject that would excite Star Trek's biggest modeling fans and truly honor this venerable franchise.

NAW! Just kidding!

Dude, that would've been too hard and, frankly, waaaayyy too expensive just to make a handful of aging nerds happy. No, for Star Trek's 50th anniversary we've done pretty much the bare minimum and decided to fix the flaws in one of our existing kits instead -- and then make you guys pay for it. I mean, we should've made this kit right the first time, but... heh, we... we...

Um, we got nothin', people. Just being honest. Look, we're not Bandai, okay. We don't care that much about this stuff. Sure, we'll take your money, because you've bought crap from us before, chances are you'll do it again, amiright? So this is what we've got. Oh, and some anniversary stickers for the old boxes because that should move some product. Anyway, happy anniversary and may your Force be long and prosper. Or whatever.

Round 2*"

*Not necessarily the real company, but could be.
Actually the blog post says the new saucer will be included in future releases, as well as available separately. The absence of something new for the 50th is a downer, but this news is a good thing on it's own.
While I busted my "you know what" getting my Hull smooth on my builds, I look forward to this. As I believe the first pilot and second pilot add on parts will be available again (I hope!!). I plan on doing a Captain Pike version(my favorite).My personal take on the grid line debate...Having actually been up close to the 11'miniature While she was on display before the last "restoration" as well as before her move to current restoration, one could hardly see the penciled in grid lines on the hull. There is no way one would see them on a 3' or 1/350 scale model kit. Of course there is nothing wrong with the modeler who likes them...I am also VERY thankful that we have this kit at all! And to those individuals who made it happen.

What's funny is I actually suggested that perhaps Round 2 should release the upper and lower hulls sans Grid lines as an add on part like the pilot parts several months ago on a heated Face Book thread...It was deemed a "stupid and un profitable idea". Oh well.

I am also happy for the guys who have waited for this and perhaps didn't want to deal with the filling and sanding nonsense.
My personal take on the grid line debate...Having actually been up close to the 11'miniature While she was on display before the last "restoration" as well as before her move to current restoration, one could hardly see the penciled in grid lines on the hull. There is no way one would see them on a 3' or 1/350 scale model kit.

What's funny is I actually suggested that perhaps Round 2 should release the upper and lower hulls sans Grid lines as an add on part like the pilot parts several months ago on a heated Face Book thread...It was deemed a "stupid and un profitable idea". Oh well.

You would never see them on a model that size.

Perhaps they heard your idea and went with it? as stupid and UN-profitable as it is ;)
If so, well done!

Very mixed feelings about this as well. Especially when so many people lobbied against them while the kit was being developed and were told "Get a life".

Having to pay extra for what I really would have preferred to have in the first place does leave a sour taste but I will absolutely be buying one of these hull kits. The older I get the more I appreciate the notion"time is money". Can I spend X number of hours removing the grid lines? Yes. Did that several times with the old AMT kits. Do I WANT to spend X number of hours removing the grid lines? No. Zarking. Way. So I guess I'm calling this a "win" but something of a Pyrrhic victory.
I still have a 1/350 in my stash (along with the pilot parts left over from my first 1/350, which was built from the first issue Club 1701 kit), so the new accessory saucer will be purchased when it comes out. I did up my Enterprise with a grid and I was happy with it, although I think the grid on the bottom of the saucer was a bit too over-accented. The upper saucer grid seemed about just right when done properly.

To me though, the fun challenge will be in coming up with a way to use the left over parts as I would have a saucer, a bridge module and an impulse deck that could be used. All I would need is a set of ample nacelles to create something exciting and different with it.
The grid line debate went all the way back to the original model when Rodenberry insisted, and Jefferies said you would not be able to see them... so they were penciled on so lightly that they could be seen looking at it with the naked eye but not on film. The x-ray they did of the source clearly show the pencil lines. But I freely admit to never seeing them ;)

I look forward to the accessory pieces.

Jedi Dade
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