ROTJ Vader light saber

Re: ROTJ Vader light sabre


I was always suspicious of a mis-labeling, with this being an ROTJ instead of an ESB.
Re: ROTJ Vader light sabre

I don't remember that one being "Elstree verified" (which doesn't mean squat these days), but that was sold from the Kurtz/Joiner collection a couple years back. It is odd that saber has the same unusual shaped grips as the Stormtrooper blaster that sold at the same time. The grips match nothing on any of the well known screen used pieces.

As for the ESB saber that we're discussing here. I do believe it was originally the ANH V2, but the grips were replaced with longer ones and wires were added for ESB. There is very little reference of the ANH V2, but it did have black sidebars and some chips in the emitter shroud like this one. So far this saber is only spotted in ROTJ promo shots and not the movie itself. There are very few clear shots of any Vader saber in ROTJ though.
Re: ROTJ Vader light sabre

What Chris is saying is correct.
I would like to point out that we do have promo shots of that saber hanging from vader's belt on set of ROTJ, which makes me believe that it was always there even if we didn't always see it.
It should be noted that in ROTJ, the saber hook on vader's belt is located more on his side and less towards the front which makes the saber difficult to spot.
Re: ROTJ Vader light saber, NEW PICS!

I think its fair to say as cannon-
"Darth Vader's ESB saber has 6 grips."
And so it is written, so let it be done.
Re: ROTJ Vader light saber, NEW PICS!

Is that thumbscrew in the shroud diamond knurled? Or does it just look that way in the pics?

Re: ROTJ Vader light saber, NEW PICS!

Kinda looks that way, or maybe somebody just took some pliers to it.
Re: ROTJ Vader light saber, NEW PICS!

Great pics!
Also glad to confirm another saber with the same t-track grip profile as all the others.
Re: ROTJ Vader light sabre

I don't remember that one being "Elstree verified" (which doesn't mean squat these days), but that was sold from the Kurtz/Joiner collection a couple years back. It is odd that saber has the same unusual shaped grips as the Stormtrooper blaster that sold at the same time. The grips match nothing on any of the well known screen used pieces.

As for the ESB saber that we're discussing here. I do believe it was originally the ANH V2, but the grips were replaced with longer ones and wires were added for ESB. There is very little reference of the ANH V2, but it did have black sidebars and some chips in the emitter shroud like this one. So far this saber is only spotted in ROTJ promo shots and not the movie itself. There are very few clear shots of any Vader saber in ROTJ though.

CHRIS - It's AMAZING to think a prop saber over 30 years old has just now shown up in public! I've got a couple of questions:

1) Any chance you'll write this up in a future Insider?
2) Who actually OWNS this Vader saber, and what's its story? Where has it been all of these years?
3) ANY hope that we may see the EP. IV Obi-Wan hero saber show up someday? (last I heard, it was probably disassembled and sent back to Bapty in pieces)
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Re: ROTJ Vader light saber, NEW PICS!

Been away a few days - wow! Great new pics, thank you. It would be great if you could get some more of the shroud/ wiires that are a little more in focus (I know it must be hard with the restricted access with the glass display case)

I think it is very important point to add that this is the first time we have had access to a good colour image of the bubble lenses on an OT prop - would be great to see if it has a clear or diffused base to the bubbles.

It is astonishing that the RPF still throws up discoveries like this :)
Re: ROTJ Vader light saber, NEW PICS!

I see them.

I cant see any glue traps either. Not thatthey are or arent there, its just i cant tell from the angle of the picture. I placed a pice of Saberfreak t-track and a Blast-Tech grip on my MPP, and they BOTh placed/mounted about the same. The only differrnce was, the Saberfreak t-track edges didnt rest on the MPP tube, where as teh Blast-Tech grips sat completely flush.
Re: ROTJ Vader light saber, NEW PICS!

On the photo showing the bottom end, there is a wire wrapped around the saber to hold it onto the display right at the very bottom edge of the grips which kind of restricts seeing where they attach to the metal, but you can see glue residue as well as the channel.
Re: ROTJ Vader light saber, NEW PICS!

But I don't see any glue channels on the tracks that's on this saber. Or are my eyes failing me?

Great thread. Yeah I agree, I can't see them either. Perhaps a better pic can be taken. It certainly doesn't appear as though there are any glue channels.

Re: ROTJ Vader light saber, NEW PICS!

Gino, I would have to agree. It looks like there would HAVE to be some kind of channel under the track. This is an oversaturated/shopped picture I did. In order for it to sit the way it is, there would have to be some kind of channel under it.
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Re: ROTJ Vader light saber, NEW PICS!

The knurling below the grips is somewhat raised on some MPP endcaps. How about this one? If there is, then that could also obscure the glue channel somewhat.
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