Rorschach's Journal - Research and Show-off Thread


Master Member
Thought I'd post this thread to show my research into this prop as well as to show you guys pics of my replica.

The only thing for certain is how the front cover looks like. I'm sure you've pics of it posted here before, like the one below, taken from the "Watchmen Portraits" book:

From that pic, we know:
(a) the cover is leather, probably cowhide because of the grain;
(b) it has "JOURNAL 1984 -1985" embossed (not gilded) on it;
(c) it has a ribbon marker;
(d) it has rounded corners.

Some people have suggested modding a Moleskin journal for this but I decided to custom make one.

As for the contents, reference is even more scarce. There's this pic from the "Watchmen Companion" book:

... and of course a screencap from the scene where Rorschach was enjoying a can of pork and beans:

From the Companion book pic, it looks like the journal contained entries from both the comic as well as the movie, side by side. The left side is the movie final entry (notice "entry is misspelled "ENTREY" here) while the left side is the longer comic entry.

From the screencap pic, the wordings on the left page looks like the comic entry (with a reference to President Truman, which is not in the movie entry) while the right side page is ineligible. Another thing to note is that Rorschach likes to mark his page corners with his symbol, which can clearly be seen on the right page in the screencap.

So with these limited references I set upon making my replica. I decided to go with an A5 sized journal so I arranged my pages in that manner. I decided to make the entire journal with both the movie and the comic entries, just like in the Companion book pic, with movie entries on the left and comic entries on the right. The exception was the first entry, as per the screencap, with the comic entry appearing on the left.

Getting the comic entries were simple... I just copied them from the TPB I have. The movie entries required transcribing the dialogue (thank god for subtitles!).

Since the journal contained two versions of the entries, I thought the best way to distinguish them was to add ordinal suffixes to the movie entries dates. So movie entries are October 12th, 13th, 16th etc while comic entries are October 12, 13, 16 etc.

Also, its interesting to note that there are more comic entries than movie entries.

Based on the above, this is what I came up with:



I used cowhide leather for the cover, grainy enough to match the actual prop. The corners are rounded and the ribbon marker is also present. The cover is also distressed, and so are the pages.

The pages:



Note the misspelled "ENTREY" in the final pic.

I found a good handwriting font which looks recklessly scribbled, like Rorschach's handwriting, and tried to match the spacing of the entries in the reference pics.

Because both the movie and comic entries make up only about 12 pages, I repeated the entries set several times plus a few blank pages to make up 200 pages in total.

I also decided I wanted some inserts to go with the journal. I know the journal doesn't contain any inserts but I thought it'd be fun to include some.

Here's what I made:

Rorschach's Wanted poster (from the New Frontiersman Flickr site):

Gunga Diner menu (also from the New Frontiersman Flickr site):

Rorschach's calling card (from the credits):


My replica

The letter from Pyramid Transnational to Roy Chess which Rorschach found:


My replica

Roy Chess ID tag:


My replica

The journal and the inserts:

On a final note, it seems nobody makes those old school pencils with the eraser butt anymore. I had to settle for a regular yellow pencil instead.
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Brilliant work, bud! Great work on all the inserts, too. I would love someone to make a run of these available one day!
Thats Insane, nice one mate!
As for the pencils, you sure you can't get them? Most of the stationers over here in the U.K. still stock them.
Hey i recovered a Moleskine journal. the lines on the moleskine are exactly like the lines in the Rorschach journal..they go all the way to end of the page on both sides..and i think the Moleskine has the exact measurement.
jus my 2 cents
Thanks for the kind words, guys. :) I'll be starting an interest thread in the JY soon, so look out for it.

Heyjude7, I decided to go with custom because I can't seem to find the right Moleskin here. Besides, Moleskin journals wouldn't be practical if one was planning a run. It's perfect for a single project.

Notsoserious, it seems we're more advanced here in Malaysia than you guys in the UK then, coz our stores don't carry those old school pencils with eraser butts, but instead they carry triangle-shaped-aerodynamic-pencils-with-reinforced-carbon-and-environmental-friendly-pencil-and-pencils-with-multicolors-and-pencils-with-two-carbon-ends-when-all-i -really-want-is-a-friggin-pencil-with-an-eraser-on-its-butt! :lol
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Sounds good. I'm definitely in, man.

So the setup is a movie entry and comic entry on every pair of pages repeated over and over? That's really odd about the pencils, though. I thought they were everywhere.. :lol
Yup, movie entry on the left and comic on the right in chronological order (from October 12 till November 1, 1985) and then repeated several times with several blank pages at the end.
I should be posting an interest thread within the next couple of days. Let me get the materials I need together. :)
why does every pic say copyrighted? Is that possible since you are making replicas? copy-writing copyrighted material?
Hey guys,

I happened to get the first one of these beauties (after Kal's personal copy). All I have is praise for this journal. It is very well made and is very fun to skim through. The pages and leather cover are wonderfully distressed to make it look used, not old. Some guys go crazy on the weathering, but this is definitely NOT overdone. As I sat reading the entries, I thought to myself, "wow, the weathering is perfect!"

The inserts are also very well made and a lot of fun.

If anyone here is a Watchmen fan, do yourself a favor and pick one of these up. They rock!

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