Interest Rocketeer Gloves & Button

Would there be an option for us guys who have wide hands? I own your starlord gloves and they’re particularly tight. I’m hoping to avoid tearing the gloves (which has happened).
We do offer custom gloves on our site. They're a bit more expensive as they are made-to-order instead of as part of a larger run.
Getting VERY close...


I've set up a pre-order page as we only have 11 sets of buttons at the moment, so this will be a relatively small run to start:

Get your orders in and we'll then know which sizes to make. There is no ETA though as we are still revising the final design.
Who would be interested in a set of Rocketeer Gloves? The idea was to make the base gloves as well as the over-gloves with button and wiring to extend a few inches up the sleeve... all as an easy one-piece glove. Price would likely be around $125-$150 per pair. Post if you're interested and we'll look into the details of doing a run.

Kind regards,
I'll buy a set
Who would be interested in a set of Rocketeer Gloves? The idea was to make the base gloves as well as the over-gloves with button and wiring to extend a few inches up the sleeve... all as an easy one-piece glove. Price would likely be around $125-$150 per pair. Post if you're interested and we'll look into the details of doing a run.

Kind regards,
Indy Magnoli
I'm interested in a pair
I have a Comicon coming up in September, and have pre-ordered the gloves. I would like to know if the gloves will be ready by September, or if I need to create my own. I am really counitng on these gloves as all my efforts are spent on the Veepy Jetpack and harness at the moment. But it is what it is, I just would like some info to better plan, thanks.
The main base gloves should be finished in a couple of weeks and we're just doing some final revision on the fingerless over-gloves now. We should be on track to ship in August, if all goes well.
Who would be interested in a set of Rocketeer Gloves? The idea was to make the base gloves as well as the over-gloves with button and wiring to extend a few inches up the sleeve... all as an easy one-piece glove. Price would likely be around $125-$150 per pair. Post if you're interested and we'll look into the details of doing a run.

Kind regards,
Indy Magnoli
I want some gloves
Magnoli do You still think the first run will be shipped by August? Comicon in September. Getting really stressed out now lol.