RKO Kong Gas Grenades


Sr Member
Watching the original Kong this PM, noticed the gas bombs . . .


and the box for them . . .


Anybody know anything about 'em? It would be cool to have a case lying around the prop room-

Here's mine (Cast off of one of the original bombs) -


Originally posted by ed-209@Nov 25 2005, 09:07 PM
Here is an ORIGINAL gas grenade from the Forrest J. Ackerman collection

Painted turned wood? Looks like it has woodgrain.
Wow, nice pic Ed209 .

I'm pretty sure that my grenade was cast off of that one. (Has the exact grain and markings as mine)

What a great idea. Time to have one done in aluminum.

Someone send me some dimensions.

Just letting you guys know that I just watched the new King Kong remake (AWESOME BTW.) and the gas bombs from the original King Kong make an appearance in the film.

I thought that was pretty cool indeed.

So now these are props from TWO Kong films. :D

If somebody wants to clue me to where in the documentary the gas bombs are featured, I can take a couple grabs.

- k
I know it's a bit off on the curvature, but I felt like playing around and it was an easy one to model from the posted photos:


DS - if I could get me measurements of the groove width, depth, distance between the circumfrential grooves, the height and diameter of the end caps, and the length of the cylinder before it begins to taper, and I can get this puppy 99% accurate. :D

I could then generate machining drawings and/or hand off the 3D file to anyone who wants to make these in 1:1 scale. My woodworker would be ideal for this replica - here's what he previously made for me:


- Gabe
If someone could supply Gabe with the measurements it'd be great for everyone. If you do get them done Gabe, can you post the files or email them out?
I'd like to turn one of these out of wood on my lathe. Wouldn't take that long and it'd be accurate to the original. Question for any of you wood workers out there. How would I go about making the perpendicular lines on it?
Originally posted by TFrosst@Dec 14 2005, 05:25 AM
If someone could supply Gabe with the measurements it'd be great for everyone.  If you do get them done Gabe, can you post the files or email them out?
I'd like to turn one of these out of wood on my lathe.  Wouldn't take that long and it'd be accurate to the original.  Question for any of you wood workers out there.  How would I go about making the perpendicular lines on it?
I'd be happy to. My plate is extremely full at the moment, and funds are somewhat overextended to allow me to take on a new prop project right now. I'm confident that there are a good half-dozen members here who'd be able to take this on, if not more. :)

- Gabe
I'd like to do at least one for myself.

What are the final dimensions?