RIP Morgan Spurlock

I’m more likely to believe it was the alcohol he was drinking, which caused him liver issues which he attributed to McDonald’s food, that probably a small part in it.
Not surprised he drank a lot. Guess dealing with all that type stuff can get bad. I didn't really follow much of what he did. But I did watch Supersize Me, many years ago.
Hmm.. I interpret "complications of cancer" to mean that it might not even have been the cancer itself that killed him, but that something during the treatment went wrong: i.e. cancer in combination with bad luck.

I myself once had a condition when I went in for surgery for something else. The symptoms were first misdiagnosed as complications related to the surgery itself, and I lost 20 pounds because of it (but I was able to recover later). I suspect something similar could have happened to Morgan Spurlock. But we shouldn't pry.
If one month of pure McD's gave you cancer then the USA would have a much smaller population. I know people who have been living on 2/3rds fast food for decades.
So he blamed McDonald's for his bad health, but didn't his Doctor say a lot of his bad health was due to his alcoholism.... :unsure: :cool:

They didn't say that in the documentary, no.

Given what we now know about his drinking that's surely what damaged his liver, but as far as I'm aware neither Spurlock nor his doctors actually came out and said it.

I finally watched Super Size Me last night, and I went in fully aware of the controversy around it. IMO, even knowing that, it's still a good documentary and worth seeing.

Assuming Spurlock's lies were of omission rather than outright fabrication, it reveals something different but just as important as what was intended: the importance of diet and exercise in managing chronic conditions. The doctors claimed his numbers were good before he started his experiment, and according to the end title cards, his numbers went back to good once he returned to a vegan diet.

I've had elevated blood sugar for years and diabetes runs in my family – I've had to scale way back on the amount of processed foods and fast food I eat. For somebody like me, the American fast food culture *is* dangerous. And for millions of others too.
I really enjoyed "SuperSize Me" when I first saw it, but having recently read up on Spurlock behind the scenes in his personal life, it casts a shadow on his work.

I think we all know (or at least SHOULD know) that in general, fast food is NOT healthy. I'm speaking about the fried, fatty foods that are quickly heated, shoved on a carbohydrate rich bun and shoved down your throat. Not to mention the ENORMOUS quantity of calories in non-diet sodas/soft drinks/frappes/sugary milk shakes etc. I'm not talking about the healthier options, such as custom made burritos and salads (although the heavy toppings/dressings on these items negate their "healthy" appeal).

He basically had almost 100 meals at McDonald's for a month. You know the result before he even started the test... he just used his body to show you the physical result (and to bash McDonald's and other fast food chains for even selling the stuff in the first place).

Enjoy a 12 or 16 ounce beer? Have 100 in a month.
Enjoy a glass of wine with dinner? Do it 100 times in a month.
Enjoy Coca-Cola or Pepsi? Drink 100 in a month.
Enjoy Pizza? Try 100 slices in a month.
Do you really like hamburgers? Eat 100 in a month.

I think you get the point... anything that's safely and suitably fit for human consumption will most likely cause no serious harm to your physiology, if consumed only on occasion. Otherwise, you are overwhelming your metabolism with fat and sugar.

RIP Morgan. I really pray that you found a special peace at the end of your life.
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I think everyone (hopefully) knows that fast food of any kind isn't really healthy, but, it is (WAS anyways) a good cheap and fast way to get food.
In moderation, not going to kill you, unless you are just already extremely unhealthy as is.
Overindulging on any type thing is bad for your health. It was just interesting with his documentary that he actually did it.

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