Rico's Puzzle Gun (anybody have/want to make one?)


Sr Member
Being a bit of a fan of the Judge Dredd movie, aside from the Lawgiver Stallone uses, I found it really neat when Rico got his "special package" which, after scanning his thumb gave him his badge and transformed into a cool mini blaster.

My question is, does anybody here have any references, or possess one? It would be really neat if we could get someone to do a run of these puppies, the mechanisms that go into one are really interesting at the least.

I could only really find pictures here: (scroll down to the bottom of the right side of the page

I really love this design too, if I'm not mistaken someone did make one, I remember seeing pics sombody posted, but never heard of a run being done
I believe it was LeMarchand. He had made a styrene model with the intention of making a metal one but that's about all I remember.
CustomCreations is a member here, give him PM or join his Facebook group.


Yes that's my version ...
leMarchand has designed one too...

Truthfully, I have been looking at this as an official run, using my base as a means to duplicate/convert into CNC'd aluminium like the original.
I have chatted briefly to RussRep over the project, and he is keen to help should the time come!
The progress of this project took a few very cool turns-
I was able to track down and get in touch with the original designer for the prop (who also did the design for the Movie Lawgiver too!!!), who was very helpful.:love
We had a few emails back and forth and in turn he passed on details for the original builder and armourer for the film, who again I have had a few emails from.:love:love:love
These petered out- but mainly because he is working on the sequel/ episodes to the new Band Of Brothers series, so its a bit stalled at the moment from his workload. I was hoping he may still have the original files to work from....:love
I don't know if this will ever happen- I hope it does, as in itself its a really nice piece, regardless of any Dredd / movie relation.
I hope I can come back with news soon- its one of the many really cool projects I have been trying to get off the ground....and don't even ask me about a certain Radio Watch!!!:lol
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I indeed did a styrene one years ago, used only a ruler and an exacto at the time and printed patterns. It was fully functional, when you pulled the stock springs would make the grip and barrel pop out.


I wanted to do a run in metal, but the machinist who was going to do it, dropped the ball on it.

I have been working on a 3D model in Rhino3D for some time, might even have one CNC-ed. But the pricetag on stuff like this when you commission this type of metalwork is really high and interrest would probably drop like dead flies. You would easily be looking at $750-$1000 a gun as mine had between 15 and 20 parts.

I wish you good luck with this proprun, also very cool that you had info from the propbuilder, that usually helps a lot
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These are great ,have always wanted to have a go at one but only ever got as far as the design stage :rolleyes Awesome job on yours lemarchand and CC :thumbsup
Don't know if the movieone was CNC-ed, but having one for myself CNC-ed using the 3D model i am making will be easier than manual milling all the pieces with my own mill. CNC-ing will cost me an arm and a leg, but then again, i have wanted an aluminium one for quite some time.
Don't know if the movieone was CNC-ed, but having one for myself CNC-ed using the 3D model i am making will be easier than manual milling all the pieces with my own mill. CNC-ing will cost me an arm and a leg, but then again, i have wanted an aluminium one for quite some time.

Hey there,

I may be able to help you out with the machining....especially if you have the model built. I have access to a Roland MDX-540 and I think we might be able to work something out. Email me at Gary@moviefxmag.com
Just watched Dredd again for the first time in like 15 years. This would be an amazing prop to own!
If I can make it, I am hoping to catch up with one of the guns designers this Sunday.
I know who made the original...would love to do a run using RussRep, whi has shown interest too.
Wouldnt want to promise anything, but my interest is here too ;-)


BTW, I have a feeling the original 'pop out action was semi air powered, and the gun could have been one sided ( ie only looked good from the one side)