Request for Screen caps of Lore from episode "Descent" from Star Trek TNG


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I've expressed interest in eventually making a Star Trek uniform, and I'm deciding to do more research on a few people. I haven't decided on who yet, yet I've been looking at a couple characters. Lore is one of my favorite villians, and I like his suit from the episode "Descent" yet I haven't found much results. This is the only reference picture that I have found aside from youtube videos.

Does anyone have any screen caps from this episode? If not, then it's fine. And what is the material of his suit?

Great choice for a Star Trek costume! Lore in his "Borg" gear. I always liked that one. Good luck on it, I can't wait to see it!
Thank you guys. After looking through the pictures, I'm actually uneasy about attempting to make it. I did more searches and it seems nobody else has tried this one. However, There is one person who went as Lore in the pakled suit that's pretty good. Just do a google image search on "Orion Lore borg"