Removing Rivets from ABS Armor?? Best Way?


Well-Known Member
So If I drill them they get hot and eventually the plastic lets go of the hold long before the rivet gives up.

Dremeling can work but it will take forever! Using a cutting wheel and going very very slowly I was able to do this, but there has to be a better way.

Rivets were to tight to get in there with snips.

Anyone have any good ideas?
Are these pop rivets or actual rivets? Pop rivets can be cut out with snips easily, just go right through the ball part.
Are these pop rivets or actual rivets? Pop rivets can be cut out with snips easily, just go right through the ball part.

That's how I do it. Slow drill with pressure and a bowl of ice cubes to quickly cool it if it looks like it's heating up. Patience is key or the heat is a big issue.
I'll try the ice thing... I did it last time with water but that did not seem to help.

There is no ball on the back side to snip off.
you can get an exacto knife or other thin metal object to bend up the lip of the rivet all the way around, then snip them off. I disassembled an entire set of armor this way.
Must have been some serious heavy duty rivets if a drill threatens to melt the ABS before the rivet lets go. My friend and I didn't have that problem with the leatherworking rivets we used.
They must be steel rivets, not aluminum. I just finished a Colonial Marine armor build and a couple times had to drill out the aluminum rivets I used. Takes 20 seconds.

When I did a set a couple years ago, it had steel rivets in abs. Then yes, the problems you describe did occur. Pain in the ass to drill out steel rivets. And it did enlarge the hole. I used Chicago post screws now instead of rivets. More expensive to be sure, but easier than rivets if you have to take it apart!

That tool from Harbor Freight sounds like the way to go
thanks everyone...

1. the ice trick with slow drilling did work but it was slow.
2. the tool recommended is awesome when I can get under the rivet.

I've gotten it almost completely disassembled at this point. I am going to go back with the Chicago posts with pitting it all back together ... great idea on that!

These kinds of threads are so much more valuable to me than the show me threads. I wish there were more. again thanks to all of those that responded.
Just remember when using riviets. Dont mix aluminum vs steel.
if you got a aluminum rivit , then dont use steel wacher plates vice versa.
They will react to eachother.

My exerience with removeing riviets its to drill out the top of the rivit. Then the ring will fall off and you can pull it out.
Try drilling with a small pilot hole too... 1/16 to 1/8", then drill larger if necessary. Was able to successfully drill out slam rivets (or hammer set fabric snaps) witth little to no heat buildup. And go slowly too. Good luck.

thanks everyone...

1. the ice trick with slow drilling did work but it was slow.
2. the tool recommended is awesome when I can get under the rivet.

I've gotten it almost completely disassembled at this point. I am going to go back with the Chicago posts with pitting it all back together ... great idea on that!

These kinds of threads are so much more valuable to me than the show me threads. I wish there were more. again thanks to all of those that responded.