Remove the banned member talk rule

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Sr Member
Why have it in the first place? It's not like it makes the people "never happen."
"Let his name be stricken from every monument... So let it be written, so let it be done..."

-Sir Cedric Hardwick, after banning Charleton Heston from Egypt...
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I think it should still apply to banned members and the wares they sell. I also think it is good form to not speak ill of a guy or gal who can no longer defend themselves. I liked one of the recent banees. This person brought a bit of color to the board. Sorry to see them go, but it was not a shock.

Some people have skin like tissue paper around here.
With a situation like a ban, you have three types of people show up. Those who can count, and those that can't. Just kidding. You end up with:

1. Supporters of the banned, typically a very small but vocal group
2. Flamers of the banned, people who love to carry on ad nauseam how the banned person was the second coming of Hitler
3. Those wth no opinion (the vast majority of members)

We don't allow discussion of banned people because:

1. Discipline on the RPF is not open for public discussion. The decision has already been hashed out among the staff, and the decision, once given, is final.

2. Having an open discussion about a banned member invites the first two groups mention previously to argue about it. Neither group has any say in the matter, so the only outcome would be more work for the staff handing out infractions for more people.

3. The banned person no longer has access to the RPF, so having people discuss them without their ability to respond is bad form.

I hope this helps explain why we do what we do. The rule has been in place for years, and it has served the board well. If anyone has any further questions about the policy, please PM a staff member.

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