Relics Pulse Rifle...


Well-Known Member
But are they any good? I've got one more payment to go on the Pulse Rifle from Matsuo, but am interested in others, as well. I'll probably wind up getting another from him as time goes on, but I'm interested in this one, as well. Plus, never ordered anything from the UK. So... how are their PRs? Thanks,
Right on. It'd wind up costing roughly the same amount of money as my Matsuo PR and from what I've seen, his work is superb. If I'm gonna spend the same amount of money for a second PR, I might as well be another Matsuo piece.
Their stuff is made partially out of wood. If the money is the same, just buy from Matt, his PR can't be beat.
I'll soon have one so I'll be able to show more to anyone interested. It looks to me like a good stunt version. I believe it has a real/metal SPAS12 section.

Is the Matsucorp version not based on the hero gun? I believe its an airsoft Thompson with a modified G&P kit?
I believe it has a real/metal SPAS12 section.

Which is cut wrong, isn't it? I haven't been to thier website in a long time, but I remember thinking it looked off somehow.

Originally posted by Noeland@Mar 15 2006, 04:33 PM
I believe it has a real/metal SPAS12 section.

Which is cut wrong, isn't it? I haven't been to thier website in a long time, but I remember thinking it looked off somehow.


I have no idea :(

I'm not an expert it such matters.
Nor am I. I'm thinking I'll probably get another Matsuo PR, one of these days, as I'm not interested in anything that's gonna weigh a kajillion pounds and I'm never gonna "fire" it, so... you know. The Relics PR looks pretty decent to me, but I'm never really sure, as I don't know any exact dimensions.