Reign of Fire Dragon


Sr Member
I just aquired this piece. It was the dragon bust done for the film. They took this bust and scanned it with the computer to generate the dragon you see. The pics are a little grainy as it is from my blackberry. I was thinking of doing a run of these as I have never seen a dragon bust offered here. It is quiet something to see in person. 13" tall, 19" long 11' wide.

It really is pretty sweet! I have been trying to get this for a while now. ALso picked up two leather wrist bands from 300 with fake blood still on.

better start saving me pennies, I'm a sucker for a decent dragon! got lots of the Vermithrax and that's what the ROF dragon reminds me of..I'm in

well you are single now so maybe we can work something out:love

Just kidding

married two kids :angel

Anyway I had spoken to the fx artist for a while about it and was just stunned how awesome it looked when I got it.

I am going to try and post some more of my Screen used stuff soon as well.

Thanx for looking and keep the comments coming

is this the one that was at last year's wonderfest in louisville? Also, didn't he do a bust for Sideshow?
The person who did this bust has not been mentioned. My contact did this bust and then they changed a couple things before the final film version mainly just the teeth. I actually prefer these teeth but everything else is the same. This bust has never been displayed anywhere.

I'd love to get a copy of that Dragon Head. I'd throw it on a plaque and make a kick butt trophy out of it with glass

Firefoxm31, what's the size of that Dragonslayer head? Was it a Greyzon?
it was called a "trophy head" for a reason. It comes with a mounting plaque "shield" that says Dragonslayer like a typical wild game head mount:cool
I am unsure as to cost yet I am going to check into materials tomrrow. I havent molded anything this big or detailed yet so there might be a learning curve lol. I will post an official interest thread in the junkyard when I am ready.

Feel free to offer a trade for one for some Stargate Props Linnear:love
You might want to talk to Dinosaur Josh [?] about it. I've got one of his raptor heads and it is pretty huge. Can you put something into your photo for scale? You sway between inches and feet in your original post so I have no idea what we're talking about here.