Red Skull Costume-Which version to do?


Sr Member
Well, actually, its more - which version of the face to do. I don't much care for the new costume, so I'm going with the traditional SS uniform. Just trying to decide which version I want to do. I'm leaning toward one of these in particular, but thought I'd throw it out to the crowd and see what you thought. Of course, I'm open to other versions if you have any good pics to work from. I need to get started sculpting soon to have the appliances ready for DragonCon.
Well, actually, its more - which version of the face to do. I don't much care for the new costume, so I'm going with the traditional SS uniform. Just trying to decide which version I want to do. I'm leaning toward one of these in particular, but thought I'd throw it out to the crowd and see what you thought. Of course, I'm open to other versions if you have any good pics to work from. I need to get started sculpting soon to have the appliances ready for DragonCon.

I have been giving this project some thought myself, however it's so far down my list i doubt I will get to it.

Here is what I intended to use for the face:
Yorick the Skull « Composite Effects | Custom Theatrical Props, Special Makeup Effects, Silicone Masks, Foam Latex Appliances, Mold Making & Casting, Animatronics, Model Sculpting

Hope this helps.
Those are sweet! I actually downloaded those pictures awhile back. I think that company may have been the one that made the mask that Asian kid wore on an airplane a few months ago, dressed like an old man. But its amazing the movement their products have