Red Letter Media's AOTC review

I don't know what it says about me that I agree with almost everything he says and yet the stupid movies still get my blood stirring. I'm an addict through and through.
Same here. I've been a die-hard fan ever since seeing Star Wars for the first time in May of 1977, but I'm not so blinded by fan loyalty that I don't recognize the saga's flaws. I've even come to accept The Phantom Menace for what it is. As such, I tend to view the six films as one long story with a really slow start. :D
I got so hooked that I had to watch his Episode ! review.

I laughed a lot, but it also made me sad because there is so much truth in his arguments, specially in Episode I!!!
Nothing like a review of a film that came out 8 years ago to get the discussion going:lol

meh....people still discuss and dissect the original trilogy movies made 30+ years well as dress up as its i guess we should all laugh at that too.
The boy/girl mars/venus analysis is hilarious. However, it isn't really a valid criticism of the movie. Okay, so Anakin is inept at dealing with females. That doesn't mean the movie is flawed (in this instance), but rather the character.