Real Screen Used Grail on Ebay???


Master Member
Is this one of the real Production Grails?


Can't be. the curvature of the prop photo doesn't even match the curvature of the piece in the display case. Anyone notice that? Also looks like in the photo that more layering of color was done than the display one.

Very fishy. I don't think it's the actual screen used one.
Can't be. the curvature of the prop photo doesn't even match the curvature of the piece in the display case.

True, but there were several grails made. Some made from hand thrown clay and some from resin. I am just wondering if this could possibly be one. Gobler (Jeff) thinks it's fake as well.

Mmm, looks like there's an awful lot of gold on it... I'm no expert, but I thought most of them were more weathered than that. :confused

I have a casting that is proported by a trusted source to be cast from a real grail.

That one seems to match in shape.
Hmmm... Mike, I hear ya, and have faith in your insight...

But on the other hand the grail in that pic looks very much like (if not identical to) the cast I have, which doesn't match the screen-seen grails. It flares out too much.
IMHO, you would think that there would only be maybe one or two cups used during production and filming, given the filming angles and the time it actually appeared on screen; there are significant differences between both photos, which leads me to ask why really, any more than one or two would need to be made for the film? that and the fact that the gold finish on the inside of the cup is soooo much brighter than the outside (well before documented discovery of gold as a precious metal)...

Wouldn't gold tarnish/age the same on all the surfaces?

And the purported fact that ***** was a carpenter, accustomed to working with wood, why the grail would be constructed of something other than that, especially with the lack of other materials that weren't available or discovered yet...

I mean, we're talking Son of God times here, not San Fransisco in 1849...

During *****' time, doncha think the grail woulda been made out of something a bit more "everyday"?

Someone needs to scan pics of "The last supper" and figure out what may be close to accurate; Far as I know, gold may tarnish and lose its luster over time, but not to the point that is shown with these supposed "grail cup" photos...
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i would assume the reason the gold on the outside of the cup isnt as bright is from the constant handling and wear from grabbing it with your hands, as to why its made of clay, i would guess thats becuase its most likely a LOT easier to make a cup out of clay on a potters wheel than it is to carve one out of wood, at least way less time consuming, im pretty sure they didnt have lathes back then

as for why so many were made, remember, it was dropped in at least one scene, which gives it the possibility of breaking, say you shoot that scene and dont like it till the 20th take becuase of the way it lands, or any number of other countless reasons, it might be a good idea to make 10 or so just in case
Why would DaVinci have any more information than the rest of us?
Ummm... not just that but I guess gunnerk19 never saw "The Da Vinci Code"; there is no cup/goblet/chalice/grail on the table. :lol