Real C-96 broomhandle?


Well-Known Member
I was asked about it so I thought I'd post the same question here. A guy I know wants to buy a C-96 Broomhandle Mauser, have it refinished, and pay someone to convert it to a shooting Solo Greedo Killer.

What is involved, and are there any gunsmiths on the board that do this sort of thing? If so, what is involved, what is a fair price to pay, and do they have any available?

There use to be a fair amount of these rusty relics show up at gun shows but the supply is now gone, and I don't even know what a fair price is for a canidate for conversion. No interest in destroying a collectible, but one thats a mix-master, refinished, shooter is fine. 9mm would be great, but not a requirement.

Thanks for any help.
I've seen two broomhandles down here in FL, they were about $495 each and looked like they were in fair condition. I'm not positive if their the exact model but they look darn close.
Have you checked


Do a search for "mauser c96" and "mauser c-96" and you get a few results ranging in price depending on condition.

Go to Gunbroker and do a search for Han Solo. Last I knew, Wakal was still trying to sell his 1930 Mauser converted to ANH Hero. I tried to find the reserve once and gave up after 750.
He's currently got a buy it now set for $950. Way outta my current prop price range, but if I had it, I'd probably buy it. :angel


Factor in a $500 base C-96, and all the other greeblies, added on, and thats about what I would expect one of these to go for.

I'll pass this info on.


I don't know, I see the 1930 commercial models selling for $250 and up all the time. I would prefer anything prior to the 1930 commercial model.
Good deal. Maybe today was the day. I know it's been listed for over a month. Wakal's even popped into the Junkyard a time or two to promote it.
I am pleased to see it finally move. It will pay for some new siding and a water heater on Bill's house. Money that I didn't expect is easier to give away :)

Congrats, Alex. Would you share pics of the buildup with us? I missed the Gun Broker auction and would love to check it out. :)

- Gabe





Here is the one that I still have (real Hensoldt, of course):

Thanks Alex for sharing those pics. That just too cool.

Now, I need to do this.

How does it shoot? What sort of 'ammo' does it use?
I've actually built five ANH/hero on real Mausers, if memory serves, and I've tuned up a sixth that was built by another of the old-timers. I've also done ESB and ROTJ conversions :)

Both of the pistols in the above pictures are functional. I swapped springs out on the one I just sold so that it would work with some vintage (factory) blanks, but the other one (the linked conversion with the Hensolt on the C96 base gun) is in prime condition, a real bargain. It has brand new springs throughout, as well as a new slide stop. I run that one with Mauser .30 ammo (7.65 by 25mm); it shoots just fine.

The flames through the flash hider vent holes are really cool at dusk.

I hadn't planned on it. I'm keeping my C96/Hensolt, and there is another (unpictured) blaster in my partner Bill's collection (A M1930 Mauser conversion with a custom machined scope bracket, Yodashouse nozzle, bull barrel sleeve, and an aluminum scope). I won't sell mine...I don't care about CE/LE/EE licenced blasters; I have a real Mauser with a real scope, and all machined aluminum greeblies. In an MR case, which I sure wish they would sell separately :D

I don't think Bill would sell his, unless you offered him a goat-high stack of green folding stuff. I have built him two blasters, the second is a MGC/GK that he would also probably sell only under duress :)

I didn't find the conversion (of real Mausers) particularly difficult. My own conversion has the barrel turned short and recrowned (you can see it in the picture) as to make a better "flash" through the supressor, but not everyone has a lathe (or three). The front sights are just sweated on; they will come off with a bit of heat. The holes can be drilled with a press (I use a milling machine, but I'm a geek), and tapping is easy. Disassembly and reassembly of the Broomhandle is the hardest part, and that isn't too bad either. Fitting new springs and new parts...well, that isn't that easy but not insurmountable either.

All in all, if a Denix conversion is about a 2 on the the "what the hell did I get myself into" scale, I'd rate a Mauser at about a 5. Give it a try :)

Well, hell. The buyer backed out (they can't transfer this to their town in Illinois), and it is back on the market.

As noted above, the reserve price of $900 reflects the cost of the base Mauser and parts, not professonal time (normally billed at $35/hour for gun work, much less my $50/hour machine time). Broomhandles are expensive in any condition, and are getting worse.

The flash hider is bolted on, and can easily be removed and replaced with, say, a $45 part available for ordering in the Junkyard right now... ;)
