Ramirez from Highlander. Looking for reference pics.

Darth Mule

Sr Member
A friend of mine wants to do a Ramirez costume from Highlander. I'm kind of excited by the idea, so I'm helping him dig up some reference. Anyone have any links?
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Thought I'd change the title to hopefully attract more interest. Anybody? I've found a few shots online, but nothing really wonderful.
Ok here you go... Deeeeeep breath.... lots of pics...
i nabbed these of a computer game site where you can make your own costume... but its very detailed to what you may want... and a side note nows the time to get a good not crap H1 sword, there are several people here (me included) making and or selling them... good luck and keep the in progress pics coming...









Thanks! Now if I can get him to actually follow through with it. I think this could be his big show piece for Dragon Con if he does it.
wow... just watched H1 this morning and thought "i'd love to see someone do a good ramirez costume!"
please keep us updated!
Ramirez' costume is basically a 16th Century doublet with breeches. Try to find a similar historical pattern for use as template.
Ramirez' costume is basically a 16th Century doublet with breeches. Try to find a similar historical pattern for use as template.

That'll be the easy part. My friend is an expert on doublets. He's been the head of a college costume shop for 20 some years, and the Cavalier is one of his favorite periods. That and the fact that he has a good look for this costume are the main reasons we're pushing it.

So the more reference we can get, the better. That way he can get all the details.