Raiders' Nazi Toht's scarred hand


Well-Known Member
This is the weirdest Indy prop in my collection and the weirdest one I've ever made myself.

I have these Latex hands I bought on ebay to use with my mannequin, unfortunately they wasn't what I expected them to be qualitywise, so they've just been laying around for a long time. Then I saw Raiders again the other day, and when I saw the scene where it's revealed how the Nazis got the Staff of Ra information (from Tohts burned hand) and I thought hey that could be a pretty fun project!

So I covered my Ra medallion in plastic, pressed it into some epoxy sculpting putty and made it stick to the latex hand. When it had dried, it was just a matter of painting it.


Granted, It's far from perfect - there's alot of latex 'flash' that was just impossible to clean off the hand, but when it's standing in my display cabinet, it looks kinda cool, and best of all it was cheap and fast to make :)


Compare with the real thing here:

Thanks guys! I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, now I just to make a metal frame so I can bend the fingers into the right position and make them stay there.
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Thanks CessnaDriver! That's a great idea! - I do actually have a shirt that's really close, but I'd hate to cut it up. I'll try my luck on ebay I think!
I think this is actually very well done and the shirt cuff display idea would be a great addition... the only thing that would make it even cooler is if you also did a bust of his face melting from the end of the movie as
Great idea! Quirky and cool.

How about a charity/thrift shop shirt cuff, it would finish the display off nicely.
Very cool idea.

Wampa did just a the burn scare itself (no additional hand) in latex years ago. Love how you pulled this off. I', inspired! May have to try it myself!
Well done! Though I think i've finally found the line I'll draw with what Indy items I HAVE to have lol. I think I'll be just fine with out this one. Too creepy lol
yep, VERY nice. I'm a no talent hack and for some years now I've been trying to light a fire under various members to get them to make this prop. You've done real well with it. BRAVO!

