R2D2 Blueprints and more?


Sr Member
I would like to make my own R2D2 from scratch with the exception of the Aluminum Dome.

Can anyone help me with R2D2 Blueprints and any other info?

I found a lot of R2 Builder websites but many of the links didn't work :(
Agreed, the R2 Builders group is the way to go. Impeccable sources of information and it's all there under one roof so to speak.

Yep R2 Builders is the place. Whether you want all metal, DIY wood, or some resin parts you can find the access to it all there. You can click my r2 progress link in my sig and from there you can see the pics of my r2 progress. Been there almost a year and i got the dome with electronics done and the legs and body at about 50%. If you have the $$$ get the R+J Dome. Its a bit pricier but one of them was used on screen in EP3 as obi wans R4 on the starfighter. Good luck and PM me if you get questions, always happy to pay the help i have rec'd foward.


Originally posted by gonk27@Mar 17 2006, 08:46 AM
Agreed, the R2 Builders group is the way to go. Impeccable sources of information and it's all there under one roof so to speak.

I signed-up just before I posted so they still have to approve my membership.

Originally posted by TFrosst@Mar 17 2006, 02:30 AM
You just have to become a member of the R2 builders club on Yahoo.