Quick n' Easy Iron Man GLOVES Tutorial


Active Member
So here's a quick easy way of making Iron Man gloves that slip on and off comfortably and are very flexible.

Items needed:
-Cheap Grip/Garden Gloves (WalMart or Dollar store)
-1 Sheet of 5mm craft foam(hands)
-1 Sheet of 3mm craft foam(fingers)
-Hot Glue/Gun.
-1 Can of Red paint
-1 Can of Plastidip

Download the foam Templates here: MediaFire
Fore those who are new, you need pepakura designer to open and print them out: Pepakura Designer


(Note my Sonic Screw Driver just in case things go horribly wrong ;))

Cut and trace the foam templates


Glue them together accordingly


Carefully glue them to the glove while your hand is wearing it. WARNING: You will get slightly burned! But it's all for the cause :devil

Now the fingers will have to be slightly cut short otherwise they'll be too long for you.You'll also have to modify the first joint closest to your palm so wraps around just right and can still bend. I'm horrible at explaining things. Sorry :angel




Now Spray them with 3 to 4 layers of plasti dip. Or seal it with any other method you prefer.





And paint them with your choice of red paint! (I sprayed some clear gloss over mine as well)




They should slip on and off like a glove. I pull them off at the wrist. You can also try adding palm lights if you want.

Have fun!
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That is perfect. I'm hoping to start making a suit in the next few weeks and one of the few things I hadn't gotten a good mental plan for yet was how to do the gloves - these look awesome. Thanks for sharing!
That is perfect. I'm hoping to start making a suit in the next few weeks and one of the few things I hadn't gotten a good mental plan for yet was how to do the gloves - these look awesome. Thanks for sharing!

Glad to hear it!

Awesome' thanks for taking the time to post this!!!

Sure thing!
Nice and easy way to do these. Great work!!! I think I'll adapt your method and try to work some more material into the palm to add a lil' bit of a more solid feeling to it :)
Do you have a build/template for the rest of the armor? I like the Mark V briefcase armor look.
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wow. . .might try this one on my mark 42. . .i'm having problems with the fingers so i never built them. . .but since the mark 42 hands have this gold detail i'll give this a shot :thumbsup
Hey! Is there a template that I can download on a Mac? I can't get the Pepakura designer on my computer so I can't view the file and I would love to make these gloves/work on adding a forearm sleeve like in your picture. Let me know!
I used plastidip for mine, built very similar to your way. It was fantastic for the first few days, then the plastidip when hard and brittle, cracked, folded, lifted and flaked off in hundreds of little shards.

Horrible. Won't be using it again.

What did you do to keep it pliable and rubbery? Did you paint over the top of the plastidip? How did that go after a few weeks? Is it cracking in between the finger joints and the inside of the palm?

Just wondering if I did something wrong. I thought plasti-dip was supposed to stay rubbery and soft.
