Well-Known Member
I've recently come into the knowledge that AbbyShot no longer makes the jacket that I've been asking them about for nearly the last year and a half. Despite having been put "on an update list," and having been told repeatedly (upon my queries - I never received a SINGLE update from them) that they were waiting for a new batch of buttons to come in before they could make more of this paticular jacket, they replied to yet another one of my e-mails this week to tell me that demand had dropped for the item, and they no longer make it.
Now, I have a stack of unused (and may I mention, unrefundable) gift-certificates. I have no intention of letting them sit on my cash, with not having gotten something in return; whether or not it's what I originally purchased the gift certificates for or not.
In any case, I am looking at their MadMax jacket.
I remember some time ago that their was mention that this jacket is, or was at some point discussed as potentially being made with competition weight leather. Whether it was or not, is it made with competition weight leather now?
I've recently come into the knowledge that AbbyShot no longer makes the jacket that I've been asking them about for nearly the last year and a half. Despite having been put "on an update list," and having been told repeatedly (upon my queries - I never received a SINGLE update from them) that they were waiting for a new batch of buttons to come in before they could make more of this paticular jacket, they replied to yet another one of my e-mails this week to tell me that demand had dropped for the item, and they no longer make it.
Now, I have a stack of unused (and may I mention, unrefundable) gift-certificates. I have no intention of letting them sit on my cash, with not having gotten something in return; whether or not it's what I originally purchased the gift certificates for or not.
In any case, I am looking at their MadMax jacket.
I remember some time ago that their was mention that this jacket is, or was at some point discussed as potentially being made with competition weight leather. Whether it was or not, is it made with competition weight leather now?