Quick AbbyShot MadMax leather question:


Well-Known Member

I've recently come into the knowledge that AbbyShot no longer makes the jacket that I've been asking them about for nearly the last year and a half. Despite having been put "on an update list," and having been told repeatedly (upon my queries - I never received a SINGLE update from them) that they were waiting for a new batch of buttons to come in before they could make more of this paticular jacket, they replied to yet another one of my e-mails this week to tell me that demand had dropped for the item, and they no longer make it.
Now, I have a stack of unused (and may I mention, unrefundable) gift-certificates. I have no intention of letting them sit on my cash, with not having gotten something in return; whether or not it's what I originally purchased the gift certificates for or not.

In any case, I am looking at their MadMax jacket.

I remember some time ago that their was mention that this jacket is, or was at some point discussed as potentially being made with competition weight leather. Whether it was or not, is it made with competition weight leather now?

I have been interested in this as well but have failed to find an rpfer who has one and is willing to give us his two cents and take detailed pics.
I don't even need pics - I just want to know what kind of leather they use...

I e-mailed AbbyShot, but as has been the case of late, they still haven't gotten back to me. It seems like ever sinse they re-did their website, their customer service totally went down the tubes.:unsure
The descriptions of their products used to be very well worded, and now its more along the lines of 'this is seriously a piece of some awesome coolness - see what others have said'...

Just my .02.
FYI, just in case some think I'm just some type of anti AbbyShot patrol - I've actually been following them sinse they had only three or four products on their original page. I was one of the main posters on their forum back in the day, and was even a moderator there before they went to the blog format.

Anyways, I just want to know what kind of leather it is...
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I apologise - I should have made that more clear: the jacket I have been asking AbbyShot about which they no longer make is not the MadMax jacket, but a different one. I am ordering the MadMax jacket because I have unredeemed gift certificates, and to me it is the next most interesting product they have available at this time at a comperable price range to the amount of gift certificates I have.

Thanks for pointing that out, though. That is another reason I'm looking at getting that one.

So, does Anyone know if this is a competition weight leather or not?
is there another way of saying competition weight?
the leather i buy is described in ounces
or on occassion garment or biker weight
Biker weight, I guess. Basically the discussion was that the jacket could be worn as a 'real' riding jacket (i.e. one that would protect you if you tipped or were in an accident), as opposed to just a black leather jacket that looks like a motorcycle jacket.

Is the leather tough as nails, or a softer garment type leather?
Well, I got an answer back today from Mark over at AbbyShot.
For anyone who is remotely interested in this, the leather used for the jacket is not competition weight (i.e. like the protective leather used to make professional riding garments, or garments specifically designed for motorcycle riding), but it is a great, high quality leather. Here's a snippet from the e-mail:

"... we don't use competition weight leather for our Mad Max Jacket. It was discussed at first in the development of the product but for the market for this jacket (mainly car enthusiasts and film enthusiasts) the main thing we spent our time on was getting the look of the jacket 100% dead-on with that of the film..."

So, what I remembered (and what prompted my question) was the discussion of if that kind of leather would be used for the finished product during the development stages of it's release.


In any case, I'll be ordering mine here pretty soon.:)