Questions I have always had about the Indy Flicks

Ok, so I think I have cracked the meaning of Crystal Skull. I have spent some time making sense of it today, and here is a working theory I have gathered from my own thoughts, sprinkled with a bit of Wikipedia. :lol

Following the string theory, aside from our own universe, there are various dimensions of existence, perhaps with an infinite number of worlds and types of life. One particular type of being, from another dimension, act as almost scientists and archeologists and have an intense interest in collecting knowledge. They have the technological capabilities of space travel, but more importantly, can travel to other dimensions where they record and learn what they can of various worlds.

It is these beings that humans have mistakenly referred to as "aliens" throughout modern history when they are unintentionally spotted. While it could be said they are from "outer space" and important element is that they are also from an alternate universe.

One important aspect to these beings is the biological characteristics they possess. It is obvious that aside from having the ability to communicate telepathically, their skeletons display "supernatural properties" by our standards. Aside from being highly magnetic in our world, they also store the "essence" of these beings, perhaps collective knowledge, and also don’t necessarily follow the laws of physics established by our universe. They aren’t simply “mass” and “solid,” but instead can pass through one another if willed, including joining to form a single being of higher power. Perhaps, these beings can transform between organic beings and their skeletal forms on a whim, an evolutionary biological function that they take advantage of to travel long distances and survive inter-dimensional travel. Perhaps the thirteen separate beings join to form one higher being for the purposes of traveling. Perhaps it is a way there species share knowledge with one another.

The beings make contact with humans belonging to the Nazca culture in Peru between 200 BC and 700 AD. They not only study them, but provide them with certain knowledge, namely how to better themselves as a people. The Nazca praise these beings as Gods, binding their heads to mimic their characteristics, and also create the Nazca Lines as a sign of faith so the other “Gods in the sky” can see them.

The Nazca create a temple with a throne to pay tribute to the beings, and under the beings' direction, is also the place they store their inter-dimensional ship. The temple, and its location, is called Akator.

Importantly, the Nazca view this place as the pinnacle of the knowledge they have attained and the holyiest place, where their deities are kept.

When they finish there work, spreading their message and sharing their knowledge, the beings promise not to abandon the Nazca people. Instead of leaving, they decide to remain in different form, perhaps as a reminder to humans of the power of knowledge, perhaps so there visit is not forgotten. They give instructions to the Nazca people to carry out their plan: that they will revert to skeletal form, perched on their thrown. The Nazca are to remove one skull, and it will serve as their key. Once removed, the beings will remain asleep until returned. They are to tell their children of the beings’ visit and the importance of the lessons they imparted. They are told to tell their descendents of the missing skull and to replace it when they are ready to reunite with the beings, but not until they have grown as a people.

It is possible that this is how the beings choose to study the worlds they visit. They make contact, spread their message, and remain in hopes of later veiwing the changes they inspire.

In the meantime, the beings hope that the Nazca will use the knowledge attained to better themselves and their species. There plan will serve an important function of their journey, as the beings will be able to learn how humans have grown as a species when the skull is returned, and perhaps they will continue their gift of knowledge and continue their study.

Over time, the story becomes a legend that is misunderstood, and some believe that returning the skull to Akator will promise gold and treasure. We learn that this legend becomes one of a fabled city of gold, a frequent subject of various searches by explorers throughout history.

In the 16th Century, upon learning of the myth, Francisco de Orellana, a Conquistador, finds the skull. (We can only imagine the awful things he and his men do to obtain it) On his way to Akator, he and his six men go missing. They either die along the journey, or more likely, they are killed by descendants of the Nazca who know his intentions are unpure, and they are wrapped and buried in Peru along with the skull.

Harold Oxley, an old colleague of Indiana’s, who studies the legend and has devoted his life to finding the skull with the hopes of one day returning it to Akator. Sure enough, after making a connection between the Nazca lines and stories of the skull, he finds Orellana’s grave and the crystal skull in Peru. He takes the skull and in the process has a mental breakdown due to the overwhelming properties of the skull. At this time he is incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital.

Always interested in his studies, and with an ear to the ground of any mention of the occult in their spying of the U.S and their intelligence reports, Spalko and the Soviets learn of Oxley’s work and his discovery. They kidnap him from the hospital, and begin their own search of Akator. They learn Oxley has hidden the skull in the meantime.

She suspects the missing skull belongs to “an interdimensional being form and holds great psychic power.” (Wikipedia). “She also believes that returning the skull to Akator will grant the Soviets the advantage of psychic warfare.”

Knowing of the legend, Spalko begins to make progress in piecing together the details of the story. Ten years before the movie opens, a separate craft of inter-dimensional beings, perhaps keeping tabs on humankind, crashes in Roswell. Indiana is involved in collecting, and perhaps unearthing, the debris. The government stores the body of the being in Area 51. Indiana and his partner are kidnapped by the Soviets and directed to find the body which Spalko takes. Although this being (probably the sum of thirteen beings of another group) has a skull, Spalko does not believe it will satisfy the need of the original skull, and is instead sought to prove she is on the right track.

They kidnap Marion and allow her to escape under their surveillance, hoping she will lead them to the skull. Sure enough, she writes a letter to her son and includes information and clues from Oxley. Coincidentally, the letter notifies her son to contact Indiana who should be able to help him. The Soviets attempt to steal the letter and kidnap Jones. When he escapes, he deciphers Oxley’s code, traces his steps to Peru and the hospital that treated him. He figures out that Oxley must have “returned” the skull where he found it, in the wrappings of Orellana’s body. Indy follows the clues to the Nasca lines, and eventually he finds the grave site and the skull.

After being kidnapped, a lengthy escape, some swinging on some vines, yada yada yada,

(Quotes From Wikipedia) “The five enter a chamber containing thirteen interdimensional being crystal skeletons, one missing a skull, seated on thrones in a circle. After the Soviets arrive, Spalko places the skull onto the headless skeleton. The interdimensional beings begin communicating to the group through Oxley in an ancient Mayan dialect, promising to reward them a ‘big gift.’ Spalko approaches and demands to ‘know everything.’”

“The interdimensional beings grant her request and transfer their collective knowledge into her mind, activating a portal to another dimension.”

This part is perhaps tragic. Although hoping that humans have learned from the lessons they imparted, they soon find out that Spalko has evil intentions. Dejected, angry, and sad, they aliens begin to (pull) the Soviets in the portal. While “Indiana, Marion, Mutt and the now-sane Oxley escape the temple” the skeletons “form a single interdimensional being which overwhelms Spalko with its knowledge, causing her brain to ignite and her body to disintegrate, her scattered essence absorbed into the portal. The temple crumbles, and a flying saucer rises from the debris and disappears to the ‘space between spaces’.”

Humanity perhaps failed to live up to their hopes. They leave and hope for better days for our world, perhaps they think we are still not yet ready to appreciate their message.

Indiana realizes that the “treasure” of the legends was actually knowledge.

“After they return home, Indiana is reinstated and made an associate dean at Marshall College, and he and Marion are married.”

How's that?
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Actually, I think that's not too far off. Like I said in an earlier post, Indy borrows from Greek writing in how the hero is almost supernaturally protected from harm ala Bond.

I think its almost a tradition that Indy survives some outlandish danger in each film due to unforseen benevolent forces (the angels of death in Raiders, the fall from the plane in TOD, perhaps the final challenges in TLC, and the nuclear explosion in CS)

I am also sure these outlandish dangers are to add some comic relief to the flicks.
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One member of another board had an intriguing theory about the "joining of the beings" with regard to Crystal Skull. He believes that the image we see of the ONE organic being is actually a visual representation of the collective thoughts of all the skeletons that only Spalko percieves as she goes mad due to the overwhelming knowledge she recieves.
Personally, I LOVE the magic realism of Raiders of the Lost Ark, it plays out note perfect for me. The other 3 movies have their plus points (Last Crusade is a lot of fun in particular) but they never managed to balance the possible and impossible quite as well as the first film.
How'd he survive? Easy, he hid in a fridge.

:lol correction a lead lined fridge (thats why they showed the close up of the fridge's tags saying it was lead lined)....cause we all know a nuclear explosion is no match against a lead lined box.

i was reading on another site where someone put out the idea that indy got severe radiation poisoning due his living through the nuclear explosion.....and the rest of the movie was just his hallucinations due to the pain and meds before he died......

i guess that kind of makes the rest of the movie kind of make sense to me :p
Okay here's one from Raiders...

As Indy and Sallah are getting the dimensions for the height of the Staff of Ra from the medallion, the translator describes it as 6 Kadam (sp?) height-

Sallah instantly mentions that it is about 72 inches.

So if 6 Kadam is 72 inches, one Kadam would be 12 inches or one foot right?

The translator then turns the medallion over and says to take back one Kadam to honour the Hebrew God etc...

So the Staff of Ra should be 5 Kadam high? Did I follow that correctly?

So if one Kadam is one foot, the Staff of Ra should be five feet long yes?


So yeah... doesn't this make Indiana (and... well everybody in Raiders) "little people"? :lol

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