Question Regarding Paint Removal


Master Member
I have a slight problem with a resin Predator bust. I always wash my busts with soap and water, but for some reason this one time I happened to forget :( Now that the primer is coming off, what is the quickest and/or easiest way of removing it? Someone told me to use oven cleaner? And other ideas?

That's what I would suggest. It's messy, but it works. Use the real stuff, not the dollar store stuff. A friend of mine used to do his in the shower for easy rinsing. I've read some people even just lay a garbage bag down mouth open. This way you just wipe it off and there minimal mess.
I always use acetone but I've never done anything with resin (so unsure if it eats resin too).

Oven cleaner works well, in your case one of 2 applications should work. I have placed a helmet in a plastic bowl, coated it in Cleaner, covered it with a bag for a half hour or so, then rinsed under water using a stiff bristled brush (plastic) to carefully scrub off the paint. Took a few attempts to get it all off, but it did.
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