Question about ST TOS p1 pic


Well-Known Member
in this pic from Assignment Earth are the two p1"s the same .
one looks like it has the hero side rail aand the right one looks flat.
might just be the lighting but it looks funny.
also show the nice skinny comm.:rolleyes
john :cool.

I think both of those p1s have got midplates... it's just a trick of the light. The foremost p1 is also out of focus a little. The focus puller must have dozed off due to the warm afternoon breeze in the studio that day. :lol

BTW does it freak you out as much as it does me, that these phasers are resting on their TRIGGERS! :eek


the other pics shows it, but the first pic makes it look like a Mireski {sp} :lol

and DAMN those are some rough looking props aint they. they didnt have super glue back then.
i still like that comm shape better than MR"s though. :rolleyes
john :cool
BTW does it freak you out as much as it does me, that these phasers are resting on their TRIGGERS! :eek

Matt Jefferies idea was that, as a safety measure, the p1 couldn't be fired until the targeting hood was raised. He designed things into his weapons that still haven't been matched over forty years later.

One thing that gets me about the color of the p1's is that it is the similar to the color of some of the camera equipment my Dad had back then.

I think both of those p1s have got midplates... it's just a trick of the light. The foremost p1 is also out of focus a little. The focus puller must have dozed off due to the warm afternoon breeze in the studio that day. :lol

Yeah, he had a wild hair and focused on the subject of the shot (the actor) instead of the props in the foreground. ;)