Quantum Leap. Other Handlinks?

Jr. jones

Well-Known Member
I've searched this site for Quantum Leap handlinks and I only seem to find the "gummy handlink". I love that one but does anyone has any from the first three seasons? Or an orignal, or Evil Leaper's? If So Please post A pic here. I've got a gummy and wanna take a crack at a new one. Thanks.
there is this one which I love, but know nothing about.

Thats a season 1 handlink.. also, there are the "evil leaper" handlink which is pretty simple to replicate and then there is "Lothos's" Handlink.. (which was only used on a couple episodes) The Gummy Bear Being the Far Superior and Popular handlink. Also, there is one other handlink that im planning on building. The "Captain Galaxy" Handlink which is basically like the Gummy bear only its not transparent and it doesnt light up or anything. Plus it has a Small Rod with a ball on top of it. You can google it and it will show you pics.
These are great! Does anyone here own one of these? The one from the first season is the one i'm looking for.
I actually own one of the screen-used calculator handlinks pictured above. In fact, Beechy McFly's first picture is a picture I took of the unit I own.

Unfortunately, the electronics are in need of some repair as the display portion doesn't function properly. I've been playing with it as I find time, but I haven't found the cause of the problem yet.

It's not an actual calculator, that's just the nickname given to this particular style of handlink...similar to how the later seasons were referred to as the "gummy bear" link.

The unit is composed of three pieces of smoked acrylic with silk screened graphics.

I can make the body for the first season one easy enough, but the reason I've never tackled it is because I haven't figured out a source for having the graphics silk screened on the body.

If anyone has any ideas, I'll make bodies. Electronics are a different story though.

OK, reviving this ancient thread.....

I was watching the Pilot episode of the 1st season of Quantum Leap (I've just got the boxset!) and noticed that the Handlink didn't look like anything I've seen before.

It seemed to me to be pretty much just a flat piece of clear acrylic, cut to shape with decals (?) applied. Am I crazy, or is the Pilot Handlink indeed different from the Season 1 handlink? Anyone got any good pics of it if it is indeed different?
Yeah, that looks about right (you only really see it from the reverse side so the decals are only seen from the back, looking through it). Thanks. :thumbsup

Was the Season 1 Handlink made from scratch or modified from something pre-existing?
This is awesome! Am I the only one that preffers the season 1 over the gummy? It looks so much cooler to me...
This is the back side of it:


Sean said further up that the Season One version was " composed of three pieces of smoked acrylic with silk screened graphics.." Got a bunch of pics from years ago for resource to make one of each, but I am not gifted like so many prop makers here.. Tried to make a gummy bear version once, ended up in pieces.. :unsure
I would have to say I like the first season's handlink the best. I never understood how Al read the Gummy.

I don't car for the gummy either. I have been looking for a green square dot display for the other version of the handlink but no luck in finding one yet.