Q: James Bond - Jaws Teeth


Was thinking of purchasing a set of Richard Kiel - Jaws teeth now being offered by Factory Replicas, but thought I would ask the experts here first what they thought of this item and the price it's being offered at ($200). Also, having never purchased from Factory Replicas before, can anyone attest to the quality/craftsmanship of their items?

Much appreciated
I like that it is cast in metal, and is not plated resin.

"Cast in solid highly polished dental grade surgical steel alloy from copies of the original molds used to create the prop teeth, the replica is indistinguishable from the original in every way."

Also mentions and optional piece of tram cable - would be interested in seeing that but no pics. :unsure

This isn't available yet is it?
I got my shipping notice and should be here this week. The Spy who Loved Me and Moonraker are two of my Favs and Jaws was a great character. I look forward to the prop and will make a review when I get it.

Adam Savage made a replica on Mythbusters for the james bond myths. Maybe ask him if he fancy making a few more..
Adam Savage made a replica on Mythbusters for the james bond myths. Maybe ask him if he fancy making a few more..

That episode ruined just about every cool villain gimmick from Bond. Any reasonable adult will willingly admit that a man with steel teeth couldn't possibly do the things Jaws did, but did they have to ruin the mystique around Odd Jobs bowler too? :cry
I love Movie magic when it comes to the things Jaws did in James Bond. Who Cares about mythbuster disproving the gimmicks..