Hey, I'm thinking of making a pumpkin bomb but was wondering if anoyone knew the best wat to go about making it. I have some ideas on the detailing of it but not sure on how to make sure it stays in a perfect ball form.
It's a shame that by recasting they stopped the "legal" ones from being sold. That ends up rewarding them more for their bad behavior since they end up as the only source for buyers and that means they selling even more copies because they are the only ones selling the peice.:confused
That's too bad man. I had one of Brundelfly's castings back in the day, and sold it here on the RPF. Bummer you won't be making any more until you find out who's recasting them... but I don't blame you at all. Best of luck finding them!
Well I wanted one and thought about getting a kit but since I have nothing to do I really just wanted to make my own and sell kits of it or just produce them for friends. about how big are they supposed to be? Just guessing I'd say about 3" in dameter.:unsure prolly wrong tho.