Prometheus: flashlights, knives and other found items

phase pistol

Master Member
I figured the flashlights seen in the trailers so far, were found items.


And sure enough I googled up a match! Ultrafire 18WG-T60


About $30 online.



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Re: Prometheus flashlight found item

Thats great, thanks Karl. Unlike SRS to have such an easily attainable prop in his canvas but it is fairly cool lookin. Got something for the cabinet now, congrats on the first found item.
Re: Prometheus flashlight found item

It was pointed out on Propsummit that the flashlight that David has in the closeup where he's looking at the moving objects, appears to have a ribbed rim on it.

For my pics I removed a screw-off rim that the flashlight comes with


I don't know if a different piece is attached on the prop flashlights, or perhaps they are a different model or brand entirely. Caveat emptor.

Re: Prometheus flashlight found item

And is this knife featured prominently in "Prometheus" somewhere? :confused
Re: Prometheus flashlight found item

And is this knife featured prominently in "Prometheus" somewhere? :confused

Only on all of their suits. I have no idea yet if they actually 'use' them or if they simply stay on the left side of their belts the entire time. There's a decent shot on Fifield where Rafe Spall and Sean Harris are standing outside one of the vehicles in a on-set pic in the Empire magazine. I'll see if I can find a good shot of it online, but yeah.. they all wear them.
Re: Prometheus flashlight found item

And there it is.


It looks different here tho... or is that the back.


Noomi's looks like it has the hub knocked out of it..

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Re: Prometheus flashlight found item

Noomi's may be different, it's on a different suit as well and hers is always worn backwards and is mounted on a knob of sorts. Don't know if it's the same as the other ones, but this seems to match.

also, the lower pic of Fif, it is backwards and appears to be upside down haha

Phase, nice find btw, that's the pic and it's a great shot :D
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Re: Prometheus flashlights and other found items

He must have put it back in a hurry, after a scene of furious knife-wielding action! :eek
Re: Prometheus flashlights and other found items

"Let us fight the acid-blooded monsters with our three-inch pocketknives!" :lol
Re: Prometheus flashlights and other found items

He must have put it back in a hurry, after a scene of furious knife-wielding action! :eek

:lol maybe they thought '"cut it off!!' .. With what? All the tech in the world and nice to know they still use a good old pocket knife :)
Anyway if everybody's wearing a knife on their spacesuit in a Ridley Scott film, I'd guess that at some point somebody is going to use one. :lol
Meanwhile, getting back to flashlights for a minute, I figured out the mystery of that different-looking rim on the lamp end of the prop flashlight (as opposed to the petaled end of the Ultrafire)...

it seems if you take off that petaled end rim... the lens will fall out! :lol

So either they ground down the rim, or replaced it with a different part... something to keep the lens from falling out.

(or I got the wrong flashlight... :confused)

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