Profiles in History "Hollywood Auction" PDF now online

The Firefly items:
The Jubal Early helmet and backpack and
the space suit.

Can't afford either....

My Firefly/Serenity Collection: :: View topic - Firefly/Serenity Weapons Collection

No one has any money.
Fret not, AUCTION number 147, you will get the opportunity to bid on everything at a fraction of what it is now. Over time, most of this stuff,...will decrease in Value. It always gets resold. We never really OWN anything. We just care for it for a short time.

The newer generations, will not recognize where its from, and give a rats butt about it. Don't believe me? Ever Flip Through Debbie Renold's auction?

Did you see ANYTHING you actually recognized? or wanted?

Sad but true.
A lot of really nice things in the auctions they are having. Dreier, Animation, and Hollywood.

Love reading the different takes on things in forums. One person loves something, another does not. Hopefully, the same people don't all like the same item ;).

Sometimes smart to take the comments about the condition of items and what is popular with a grain of salt though. Could be (not usually), a strategy to convince potential bidders (competition) to back off from bidding. That way the person posting can possibly get the item(s) cheaper, :unsure.

I remember the first time Rick Baker put up for auction some Gremlins puppets he had from Gremlins 2. Someone mentioned in a forum post that they saw the puppets a few weeks before the auction and commented they were in "horrible condition". They also implied that one would have to be crazy to bid.

Needless to say, the puppets were in very good condition and that same person "warning" everyone bid on the puppets with much less competition :thumbsdown.
The articulated forearm from T2 would be sweet to own :D
The 6-8 grand Arnie Terminator statue on page 295 is a bit of a joke, definitely not accurate. 20th Century Fox logo art on p. 101 is unreal :eek wow :thumbsup

How did they spell it? Did they spell it with 2 e's?


"Lot 791: Screen Used Hero Closeup Endo eyes from Terminator2: Judgement Day (Carolco/Tristar, 1991). Est: $20,000-$30,000"

At least it's correct in the flipbook. Unlike a different flipbook for a different auction I checked out a few weeks ago. It was filled with typos. All I'm gonna say is "Antonio Baneras" :p
Right? Seeing as I've got an upcoming wedding to pay for, no dropship for me... Honestly though - there was a time not too far back when a lot of these items were much more within our reach, and now, not so much. Really missing the days when prop collecting was more underground, less mainstream, and didn't have such a bright light shown on it.
Definitely a double edged sword. More visibility means more stuff will come out of the woodwork that we may have never seen otherwise, but that visibility has also made the prices skyrocket, and while such things used to be a good investment, at the current prices, I think they are much less an investment opportunity as everyone is paying an absolute premium for the pieces they are buying. Still, if you love something, buy it. I know I am going after two piece from the Drier collection, not because they will be worth something, but because I really love them. I will never get out what I am likely to pay, but I just like them and would like to have them myself.

Right? Seeing as I've got an upcoming wedding to pay for, no dropship for me... Honestly though - there was a time not too far back when a lot of these items were much more within our reach, and now, not so much. Really missing the days when prop collecting was more underground, less mainstream, and didn't have such a bright light shown on it.
I dunno, "back in the day" you didn't really need more visibility - you did the legwork, worked your contacts and connections, and every now and then all that hard work would pay off. Now it's all just too easy, prices have skyrocketed, and now, to me, it feels like it's become more about $ then the love of the prop. Not to knock Profiles and Hollywood Treasure, but every segment ends with Joe saying, "I've got to have that" - not because he cherishes the prop, but because they have to have it... make money.

And I'm not saying that's a "bad" thing, I'm a capitalist, but the hobby, perceptions, and perspectives sure have changed.
I dunno, "back in the day" you didn't really need more visibility - you did the legwork, worked your contacts and connections, and every now and then all that hard work would pay off. Now it's all just too easy, prices have skyrocketed, and now, to me, it feels like it's become more about $ then the love of the prop. Not to knock Profiles and Hollywood Treasure, but every segment ends with Joe saying, "I've got to have that" - not because he cherishes the prop, but because they have to have it... make money.

And I'm not saying that's a "bad" thing, I'm a capitalist, but the hobby, perceptions, and perspectives sure have changed.

You will get no argument from me in regard to the underlying purpose, but that is ALWAYS the underlying purpose for any business. It can be sugarcoated all day long, but businesses exist to make money. Like you, I don't fault them for that, and am only annoyed when they pretend it is about something else without acknowledging that their primary goal is profit.

I do disagree with you on the visibility thing. I think it was MUCH harder in the past to find pieces. It might have been more rewarding and the cost may have (almost certainly was) much lower, but I think that there are things that have come on the market that we may have never seen without the higher visibility of places like Profiles and Prop Store.
I don't think we're necessarily in disagreement - of course more visibility shakes more trees - again, all I'm really saying is things have changed. While I personally don't believe the argument is as clear as two sides of coin, I guess you can simplify it by saying with "more visibility" you may get benefits A, B, C, and D, with "less" you may get benefits W, X, Y, and Z (and/or a mixture). I think that makes sense... least in my head :lol
I don't think we're necessarily in disagreement - of course more visibility shakes more trees - again, all I'm really saying is things have changed. While I personally don't believe the argument is as clear as two sides of coin, I guess you can simplify it by saying with "more visibility" you may get benefits A, B, C, and D, with "less" you may get benefits W, X, Y, and Z (and/or a mixture). I think that makes sense... least in my head :lol

We are in complete agreement there!
I am just astonished by the sheer number of items up for sale over a short period of time:
21 July, Screenused, 131 pages catalogue
28 July, PiH/Dreier Collection, 220 pages
30-31 July, PiH/Holywood, 400 (!) pages

I cannot imagine there are enough buyers for all that stuff out there?

PiH price inflation is a given, but this will go on as long as some collectors are willing to pay premium prices for the pieces they love to own. I too am a critic of PiH when it comes to authentification which sometimes is handled with not enough care, but there is a clear tendency of PiH being able to undig really amazing pieces. Just need to pick your items carefully (if you can afford them)
This is the same Vader helmet that was seen in the Christie's auction fiasco from November 2010. Is isn't even an ESB helmet, it is ROTJ, so how could it be a production ESB helmet. Apart from that, there are numerous indications it isn't original and when I contacted Farmer, he could not provide me with any specific information about the costumes from that time. Furthermore, a genuine Farmer ESB helmet that I know of is much more accurate to ESB than this one.

Lets keep 2012 with positive and logical discussions on Vader

:facepalmcan we not take the grief out in advance again.
You comment on things that you say stating your opinion as fact when its just your 2 year old opinion not ironclad proof.Just blurry screen grabs and comparing pics when one pic taken is shot in the distance which gives the perception that what you see is smaller and taking one close up and saying its fatter or bigger is not being correct or giving a proper example to compare with or being objective and then saying its murphys law is just wrong.
It states the Darth Vader is what it is an Original production from the set of ESB ,if you read it, it comes with a letter from Nicholas J farmer himself which he confirms this is the original he got from Lucasfilm and some repairs he did to it.Not you or I have the right to say it isnt what it is.
Let all our viewers know that when a true farmer touring costume complete was being sold this past december at profiles you said it wasnt even a farmer touring one,which is the same one you saw in 2010 .You Said it wasnt that one that you thought it was from this owner when in fact you were wrong it was the same owner and you stated something that undermines your ability to qauntify what is what.Cut copying and pasteing and writing facts till your blue in the face doesnt make us intelligent but having the nuetrality and objectivity to search and see what if something is what it is and not be blind to be what all experts are is reasearching in a learning capacity and not a knocking one.

when the touiring Vader in December was being sold you said that it wasnt the same consignor it was someone diffrent but you were wrong.

Also it came with documentation from farmer and you doubted it basically calling farmer a liar.
So is another letter from Farmer himself and shipping documenattion from farmer isnt good enough for you will you stand up and call Farmer a liar.
From those who are close to farmer The fact is farmer doesnt trust you cause you twist what you like around to benefit your untruthful position that you are currently stating.Id be careful the road you are going down with all thats on the record with you.He doesnt want you bothering him as you have harrased him enough.He was vague cause he wanted you to leave him alone.
So you cant tell touring apart from the one sold in december from another touring one that you looked at for another person ,you said it was his and you showed you cant tell what from what.but when an item is being sold you stand on your podium making unfounded facts not taking the high road to research and see that the piece it what it is and noone has the right to say without a doubt its not what it is.
Its in poor taste that you take whats on the Propden and try to stir the pot over here.
One of your unfounded facts why you say its Rotj and not Esb was the filled in center strip on the dome,lets touch upon that One, our good friend steve sansweet has on his original vader head with a filled in cenetr strip so is his a fake also and not to mention the vader profiles sold with a letter from george lucas stating it was from Empire strikes back a few years ago the don bies one it has the same filled in center strip.So my point on that is you are also calling george lucas a liar as choose to be pesimistic in your findings and research and that makes not for a Great Expert on Props.

FYI Also its illegal to use a person name here or anywhere in the public domain with clear intent to defame.
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