Prince of Persia, thoughts? (SPOILERS, obviously)


Master Member
So I just got back from the midnight showing. I love this series of games. In my opinion, despite their glitches, they're some of the best games ever made. I've been following the development of this movie for almost two years on and off, and I knew not to expect anything as good as the games. That being said, I was blown away by how god-awfully terrible this movie was. The dialogue was all corn and the editing in the action sequences was the first time I've ever had a problem with following what's happening on screen. The dagger design is awesome, but the movie was not. Anybody else seen it yet?
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Re: Prince of Persia, thoughts?

The trailers on tv looked horrible enough to keep me away. They all have this "looook, it's a epic fantastic movie!!! PLEASE WATCH!!"
Re: Prince of Persia, thoughts?

Yeah I roll my eyes every time one of the commercials come on.

Did they put a lot of explosions in this one? :lol

Re: Prince of Persia, thoughts?

I was stupid enough to hope it might have been a stealth good'un. It looked like they spent a bit of money on it; design looked nice, who knows, perhaps some of the character and story stuff made it in too? I guess not.
Re: Prince of Persia, thoughts?

Really not good? I was hoping it'd be good :(

I was thinking of seeing it but now I'm having second thoughts.
Re: Prince of Persia, thoughts?

Well, I wasn't particularly expecting it to be good, per se. But, for those that have seen it, is it fun? This looks like one of those movies that's a fun ride, even if it won't win any awards.
Re: Prince of Persia, thoughts?

Well, I wasn't particularly expecting it to be good, per se. But, for those that have seen it, is it fun? This looks like one of those movies that's a fun ride, even if it won't win any awards.

i would be careful... i had that same mindset about Robin Hood before I watched it... now me and my buddy have 2 and a half long dragged out horrificly dreadful hours of our lives that we'll never get back :(
Re: Prince of Persia, thoughts?

There were a lot of laughs, a few because of intentionally funny comedic relief, but most because of how bad the dialogue was. Still, I hope it does well enough to warrant a sequel, because I want them to have at least one more shot at making a good PoP movie. Warrior Within might accomplish that.


That said, the only parts that survived from the game were the last few scenes, heavily rewritten but pretty much the same idea, but then they gave it the happy Hollywood guy gets the girl ending.
Looks like it's been getting a grade of C- on other sites.

With the exception of just a few movies, this summer seems to be full of duds. The 2011 and 2012 summer movie seasons look better.
Just came back from seeing it, I honestly didn't think it was that bad. Granted yes it is nothing like the game but I don't think anyone could sit through almost to hours of watching the prince climb through the palace and fight sand creatures. With what they did do I think it worked pretty well, I'm not saying it's the best movie in the world but it isn't bad. I think it's partially getting a bad rap because of the people who pretty much wanted a live action version of the game which like I said I don't think many would sit through. Though I think they could have cut it down a tad, since there were a few parts I think were just time fillers.
sounds like its another Robin Hood from what I hear about the both of them---Hollywood is just cranking out stuff to take the $$$$ from the pockets of whomever they can--No substance to anything anymore
I havent seen PoP and probably wont,
mainly for one reason: casting

jake Gylenhaul is terrible. just terrible.
Hes the most unmanly man and they cast him as as action hero?
I'm all for color blind casting, but it works best when you're casting something that already has a history on the stage or screen. As far as I know, Prince of Persia has never been on the screen. Making a bunch of white actors play Persians makes as much sense as casting John Wayne to play Genghis Kahn. Just like ol' Shamalan and his white-centric casting of an Asian cartoon coming out later this summer. If they're not going to take it seriously, I'm not going to waste my money.
Take it seriously? It's based on a video game.

Alec Guinness as Feisal and Chuck Heston as a Mexican both turned out pretty well.
I was really happy with the casting if Jake Gyllenhall. For a while they were considering a Persian guy, but the Prince in the games was white as can be, and I'm glad they stuck to that. I wasn't hoping for or expecting it to be just like the games, but they replaced sand creatures with "mysterious assassins". Really? No sand creatures in Sands of Time? The parkour was sloppily edited and CGed quite a bit as well, pretty much taking all the fun out of it.

And for the comment about Gyllenhall not being manly enough, in case you didn't see the trailers, he put on a small person worth of muscle weight for this movie. He was actually more muscular than any of the pre-Forgotten Sands Princes.

Speaking of Forgotten Sands, just beat it, excellent addition to the saga. They really came up with some new stuff there.
just got back from seeing it. I'm not familiar with the game so, I had no expectations. I thought it was a fun movie. they give you back story so you're not lost. I liked Ben Kingsley. the only one that sounded like they attempted an accent was the princess. I guess if they all sounded similar to Sayid from Lost, it would have been distracting.
so does Disney get to add this princess to their roster? I'm sure they're hoping for a franchise like Pirates.
I'm not familiar with the game so, I had no expectations.
That's where I'm at, too. Never played the games, and I'm only vaguely aware of the story (Wikipedia and some game videos). So there's no danger of them "ruining" the story for me. And, like I said, the previews make it look like a fun movie. This coming from someone who likes Transformers.. not because of its deep story or amazing acting, but because it's a good ride.

I've only read one "pro" review of PoP, and it wasn't a good review. Not by the way they scored it, it just wasn't a good review. The author appeared to be in the "video game = bad movie" mindset before he walked into the theater, and spent most of the review complaining about the acting. And he managed to completely neglect to point out whether the movie was actually good or bad. Which should be the main point of a review, in my opinion.
In my opinion the acting wasn't bad considering the actors were given NOTHING to work with. Terrible script. I enjoyed the first transformers as well, but this one not so much.