Presenting my Mark VI Tricorder - Dialup Warning!!!


Master Member
Well it's been a long time coming, but I finally finished my Mark VI (season 3+) tricorder. Overall, I'm fairly happy with how it came out, although there are a few minor nits I have. The kit itself is great, and builds up fairly quickly...just took me awhile because "real life" kept getting in the way. I actually built this up as practice for the Mark VII kits I have from them, so this one will be heading to the Junkyard shortly. Some things to note: I could not come up with a good way to install the red ID LED on the lower door, so this particular piece is missing it. Also, I didn't like how the instructions called for the handscanner to be attached with a piece of velcro, so I opted for a magnet. The graphics were also upgraded to a set produced by another member here, so they are not the ones included with the kit. Anyway, enough rambling on my part. If you want to see the whole buildup process, you can see it on my website at:

Edit with updated link - The Star Trek: The Next Generation Mark VI Tricorder Project – Complete

And without further delay, here are some pics (taken with my new light tent!). Comments, questions, and critiques are always welcome.

Resurrected the broken links!



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Damn beautiful, great build up!!! Thats the next tric. i'm going to work on after my Mark X!!!
Here's a small tip that MIGHT be useful to you -- to avoid the white edge line on the graphic plates, you could run the tip of a black marker along the edge, which might be a nice cosmetic touch to the paper control panels.

I have never built any Next Gen props myself (a TOS fan) but your build looks great.
I just wanted to say thanks for all the compliments. Roddenberry really did a great job with this kit. It builds up quick and easy.

Here's a small tip that MIGHT be useful to you -- to avoid the white edge line on the graphic plates, you could run the tip of a black marker along the edge, which might be a nice cosmetic touch to the paper control panels.

Thanks for the great tip. I'll be sure to keep that in mind for my next kits.
