Presenting my Luke ANH Stunt Saber


Sr Member
I decided a Graflex as a belt hanger for some serious partying would be a bit too much dead weight. Combine this dilemma with my love of the alternate 'incorrect' Graflex button... well, the ANH stunt seemed the perfect solution.

A quick search of yielded a large variety of aluminum tubing. I bought a foot of two varieties, even though I would only need a small portion for the emitter.

All of the cutting was done with those lovely brown cutting disks that get used up quickly when working with metal. I drilled the hole for the red button a bit too large and decided to flush mount it a little lower instead. Some quick wet sanding gave the aluminum a nice brushed look, and all of the eyeballing I did while cutting was an apparent success. To me it has just the right shape on the emitter, and the whole thing is the exact length of a Graflex. I admit I did measure to get that right.

Not wanting to attempt any more drilling on the tube, I decided to cut down the sync cord part that doubles as the glass eye. Its sanded to fit the diameter of the tube and is just glued on there with the some of that goopy glue. It probably sticks out too far.

Paypal payment to our very own SaberFreak bought me some genuine T-track. I painted them with black Krylon plastic fusion spray paint. I do not think this was such a good idea as if you look closely you can see some of the brown coming through. If you're considering buying the grips do not hesitate, just make sure you use the regular spray paint on them. Fortunately I had a genuine Graflex clamp and replica bubbles all ready to go. Don't file your clamp tabs down. Cut some grooves for them instead, this way your clamp won't slip when you decide to breakdance.




I used an inaccurate hardware endcap that I left off in the photos. It wasn't really RPF worthy anyway. In the saber's future is a hyperdyne blade kit and a graflexshop socket with blade retaining glass eye. Also, some replica grips are in order as I'd like to put the T-track on my ESB Graflex soon. Maybe over the winter holiday when I have some time I'll revist the saber and really make it a gem.

Anyfart, this is what Star Wars props and production is all about: being resourceful. This project was, and still is blast to work on. Its rare you get to have any flexibility in the details, but in this case there isn't a whole lot of reference material to go from.

I'd just like to say thanks to...

hunky_artist, without you I wouldn't have scored the button I needed.

kurtyboy, I'm sorry you're not the only one with this saber anymore.

SaberFreak, find some black T-track already would ya?

RoCKo for helping me score two of the swiss ammo pouches I needed for my ANH belt. They arrived just in time, and I've never seen pouches in such great condition.

EDIT: Thanks wackychimp
didnt it have the hole for the rabbit ears though?



yeah, i like the incorrect button.

i wish i woulda realised that it was the one i was getting when i bought my graflex top, but ahh, its still cool, one day i might sell it, but... yeah.

either way cool saber. :thumbsup
Heres a reference from the posw. Though the top has been painted black for use as the vader stunt.

This is the only other photo I have:

No ears. I think I'll make that white button on the grips my recharge port when I get around to doing the hyperdyne blade.
Thanks for the support everyone.

I'm going to be repainting my T-track grips so they will stay black this time... a tutorial will follow shortly.
I lost my vintage 'wrong' knurled red button... Now I'll never make a Luke ANH stunt... :(

I brought it to be displayed at a 2-day event and was sure I packed it with the other greeblies at the end of the 1st day. But when I wanted to display it for the 2nd day I couldn't find it. I suspected it rolled off the table and was taken by someone or swept away as garbage by the cleaning crew...

Just needed to rant out loud :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
Looks to me like there's also a hole between the grips where the button is. Could be where the wires came out.