Predator Movie Question


Well-Known Member
I was watching avp 1 the other day and realized at the end of the movie the elder gives the girl a predator spear. Now in all the other movies the predators go to extreme measures to make sure that humans have no knowledge of them ( p1 blowing himself up, p2 running back to his ship after getting his arm cut off, and wolf cleaning up a whole outbreak) just seems a bit odd that he would still give her some of their technology even if she has their clan symbol. What do you guys think?
I think that if the elder saw the marking it gives her the rights of the clan.... Just my thought, but then again of all the predator movies that is an oddity so that would be my only guess.
I think it's something that was over looked in the film's plot. The spear along with the actual marking/scar that Scar marked Lex with are both give aways to their visiting earth. I don't see how or why both Scar and elder thought this was a good idea, also I can't see full clan rights being given to a human, only known to them ( preds) over a Period of a few days.
You say that about AVPR and the wolf, but wolf let the humans get away with the caster. He knew that they wouldn't get killed in the blast therefore wasn't so much to protect the humans from knowledge of him, more because he had run out of options for irradicating the flood of xeno's plus 'chad' had practically killed him....

As for AVP, plot line was good but shares no actual meaning to pred lore, nor could it be used as a reference. One to its own, the writers just wanted to give the viewers what they 'wanted' in the ultimate face of between the 2 most infamous outta space killers - more of a spin of from both series a lil like Jackie Chan and Jet Li in The Forbidden Kingdom - made by public demand to see the 2 Kung-Fu legends face off....

Just my 2 cents
The writers just wanted to give the viewers what they 'wanted' in the ultimate face of between the 2 most infamous outta space killers - more of a spin of from both series a lil like Jackie Chan and Jet Li in The Forbidden Kingdom - made by public demand to see the 2 Kung-Fu legends face off....
Just my 2 cents
I would have to agree here regarding that movie studios don't have time or the resources to provide us with anything remotely true to anything as far as design, thought, or execution for that matter about how certain things flow with one thing after another, so they make each movie their own piece of work because different teams are hired to take on the task of trying to either "re-create" or pick up where they left off kind of mentality. I think it would have been awesome for the climax of the AVP film to see her walk along side the Elder assisting with the body of Scar kind of accepting this new role she has been inducted into a new world by the Predators and giving that show of respect in her life knowing that these beings actually exist then before credits role have her in Predator armor to set up for her going into AVP-R to help clean up the Xeno (Alien) mess that Wolf was in charge of doing. That would have been a bad ass ending to a (I stress this big time ) OK movie. I have high expectations for these kind of movies, which understandably we all do here on this fantastic place we call our second home. (y)
Don't believe anything about AVP. It was crap. The Preds with their super long dreads acted more like confused humans than alien hunters. I am surprised the scar Pred didn't kiss her at the end of the movie.
Don't believe anything about AVP. It was crap. The Preds with their super long dreads acted more like confused humans than alien hunters. I am surprised the scar Pred didn't kiss her at the end of the movie.
Lol, that's a yautja for ya' not very pred like is it? Lol. Just kidding.
I would have to agree here regarding that movie studios don't have time or the resources to provide us with anything remotely true to anything as far as design, thought, or execution for that matter about how certain things flow with one thing after another....
They have the best damn resource at their finger tips, they just don't know it. The Lair is quite capable of helping them out in those areas. We have nothing but time for all things Predator.
I always figured it was a slight nod to the original '90s AVP comic. Not saying I'm right, that was just my original thought when first watching the movie