Predator Bio Helmet Work In Progress pics


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Over the last 3 or so years this has been an on going project....a sloooowwww on going project. :)

The background on this helmet is that this is what Steve Wang had designed and sculpted for the first Predator movie, which for 'whatever' reason was not used and in it's place is the now classic clean and simple P1 bio we're all accustomed to. This design did have a brief appearance at the end of Predator 2...and was a solid influence for the Celtic Bio from AvP. ...and I have no idea why it's called the 'GORT' Bio. :)

3 years ago I sculpted it in water clay...then, a second sculpt in Chavant...only to have that sculpt damaged during a move, to finally the 3rd version which is the one shown here.

With the release of the new images recently, I decided to take this out of storage and compare them to what I had done so far... and see about finishing this up once and for all... :p

It's still very rough, and sure...needs some changes, but the over all feel seems to be there. I'm looking forward to carving in the details.
Chavant Soft NSP Clay.


The last time I did any work on this was easily at the beginning of the year, or something like that. I have a full Pred suit I'm finishing up and wouldnt mind having this helmet completed before I send that suit out so, with some luck, I'll find the time to get back to work on it. I'm sculpting it over a regular P1 bio helmet that I had to cut up, space out differently and seriously modify as a base.

I searched around for the first Gort I was working on in water clay...This one was 3 years ago...RIP...:)

