Predator Armor Tryouts


Sr Member
In the spirit of costuming Ive decide to see how versitile my CNC suit really is, So ive transformed it into Predator Armor.

It is on Ludas Jugger Chest.

Mounted Chest

Mounted Arm

Full Armor

Torso and Right Arm

Right Arm

Left Torso and Ribs

Right Leg

Anyway Enjoy!
For what it's worth I think I would go a different route. It looks good as a batsuit, but is overkill for a pred. Predators have armor but not all up and down arms and legs. It's a little too much. It also reminds me of Green Goblin armor, so that's always a consideration for the next outfit you may want to do.
I see what your saying but that is the difference bewteen star wars and predator you can do what you want!

I dont plan on using all the armor, I am however using some of the arm, abs and chest. I think for my costume Im not going to use the legs. I was just posting it to see what people thought.

As soon as I get a good cast of the batsuit Ill turn my attention back to that one :lol I gotta recoup some start up cash!