Police Complaints- Bentley O'TOOLE, Please contact Queensland Police with complaints


New Member
On Advise from my own forum, I have started this in its own thread.

IF any of you have been ripped off by this guy, please see below. Cross posted with permission from the TAG forums.... I have never had any problems with this guy personally, but I know some people have been burn't here ... So please read away folks.... (Mods, I hope this is OK). I cant promise that something good will come of this... but you never know.


Usually we are not allowed to mention armour suppliers names on the forums however I have run this past the CO and he has given the green light. I have received a formal request from Queensland Police Detectives to ask for any members or non-members to contact them in relation to Bentley O'TOOLE.

The following is an excerpt from Detective Chad LONERGAN's e-mail to me this morning:-

"I have seen a forum for the 501st where a lot of people have had bad dealings with O’TOOLE. I cannot get onto the website from the work computer but had heard that you may have some knowledge/involvement with the 501st. What I was proposing was to post my work e-mail Lonergan.Chad@police.qld.gov.au on the website saying if anyone has had any dealings with O’TOOLE where money was paid for an item but it was never sent or they never received it to contact me via e-mail."

It appears that O'TOOLE has been selling the same items over and over again [R2D2 units to USA & Spain recently] and after receiving payment for them never sends them. He then allegedly re-sells the same items a second, third or fourth time.

As stated above this is an official request if you have had dealings with O'TOOLE and have been ripped off or know someone who has - please contact Chad on his e-mail address. Your complaint and information will be treated with the highest degree of confidentiality.

If you have any questions please don't hesistate to contact me via PM - or you can just e-mail Detective LONERGAN.


Re: Police Complaints- Bentley O'TOOLE, Please contact Queensland Police with complai

Hopefully a lot of people who got burned will get restituition or satisfaction of seeing this scammer thrown in jail!
Re: Police Complaints- Bentley O'TOOLE, Please contact Queensland Police with complai

I had some shipping problems with him back in 2005. Had to fill a paypal complain to receive my stuff. Never bought anything from him since then. First and last time. I knew he will do it again sooner or later.:unsure
Re: Police Complaints- Bentley O'TOOLE, Please contact Queensland Police with complai

I had issues with him, a few well placed threats and i recieved my stuff finally awhile ago. His buddy is/was on here, lives close to him, dont remember his name, do a search. Bentley was a major tool thou and scumbag.

Sleepless/Brad is his buddy on here, still current member. Lives close to him.
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Re: Police Complaints- Bentley O'TOOLE, Please contact Queensland Police with complai

I will say it to Benkenove ASAP.

Thank you very much for the information. :thumbsup
Re: Police Complaints- Bentley O'TOOLE, Please contact Queensland Police with complai


Brad here, just let me make this clear, I have never had anything to do with bentleys buying or selling. All I have ever done with him on here was try and assist any board members who were having problems. I don't even know where he is atm.

Re: Police Complaints- Bentley O'TOOLE, Please contact Queensland Police with complai

just to open this threade back up 10 years later but i have also been ripped off by this muppet for a yoda, so please be aware.
Re: Police Complaints- Bentley O'TOOLE, Please contact Queensland Police with complai

He is still around, He mainly seems to be selling on eBay from Toowoomba at the moment, as far as I've heard.