Pokemon GO

Pft good luck enforcing that, most of those people would be taking selfies there sadly. Stupid people with phones are still going to be stupid until the require you to take an IQ test and a operating permit.
That;s what happens when you let AI take control of the wheel. They could have done more work in blacklisting zones NOT to place Pokemon, but perhaps that's behind the scenes they're silently working on right now.

I mean it is just a game and I'm sure it wasn't their intention to have that happen. They probably honestly didn't even think about that potential issue until it happened.

I don't play this game at all. I just don't have a great deal of free time to do a lot of social and gaming, but i'm sure it's fun!
It will most definitely be someone hitting another person. Way too many people playing this game at the wheel.
police have been at the water tower 5 times already this week. I'm away from home but talk to my family regularly, and they say the rumor is the cops brought the kids back home.. players need to use a little common sense here and respect.

from my understanding, the water tower 4 blocks from my house is a land mark, you need to spin a icon to get items out of it. the problem is while standing in the street it won't let you get items, and the kids are walking through this mans yard to the fenced off water tower... the old guy has been chasing all the kids out of his yard but i guess the cops have had enough
At some point Niantic will integrate a way to take requests for area removals, these games have no business in a memorial site and other similar locations, and we're already seeing articles about private property owners complaining about trespassers. The money flipside for Niantic is to take requests for adding Pokestops and gyms, could be some big money involved from business owners if the app continues to remain popular - imagine charging rent to a business owner for having a Pokestop at their shop with 24/7 lures. Small businesses are already seeing traffic and sales bumps from using lures at Pokestops next to their stores. I personally hope they go this route instead of trying to monetize the app on the user side, cuz that'll probably mean having to deal with ads in the game.
At some point Niantic will integrate a way to take requests for area removals, these games have no business in a memorial site and other similar locations, and we're already seeing articles about private property owners complaining about trespassers. The money flipside for Niantic is to take requests for adding Pokestops and gyms, could be some big money involved from business owners if the app continues to remain popular - imagine charging rent to a business owner for having a Pokestop at their shop with 24/7 lures. Small businesses are already seeing traffic and sales bumps from using lures at Pokestops next to their stores. I personally hope they go this route instead of trying to monetize the app on the user side, cuz that'll probably mean having to deal with ads in the game.

i could totally see this idea working! like you said it would bring in much more traffic for businesses!
just got off the phone with my mom on the way home from work. big problems in my area, we have a historical park where we have many town members volunteer and keep it clean. they just had a HUGE graffi clean up at the beginning of the summer, well anyway theres a big problem with GO players leaving cigarette buts and burger king behind..

the only real person to blame is the parents. how hard is it to teach your kids to be respectful?

anyway anyone find mewtwo yet?
My understanding is that pokestops are placed at landmarks and locations where large numbers of people gather, which is why there are a ton of them that are churches. I mean... Ground Zero in New York is one.

Well as far as I know the Pokestops and arenas are converted portals from Ingress, which in turn are mainly user submitted suggestions. If I recall correctly, there were 15 million submissions and a thrid of them made it into the game.

So it isn't an algorithm or something but crowd sourced. here in my rather small home town Aachen there seems to be an active street art community making many large graffiti walls into portals / pokestops.

The question how certain spots made it into the game despite obvious reasons against it (e.g. in concentration camp memorials! :unsure) is still open though.
The only way I would ever play anything similar to this game is if it wasn't Pokemon related (I have a reason behind why I refuse to play or do anything with Pokemon related materials, but I don't want to go into it right now). Now, if this game was Ghostbusters (the original films. Haven't seen the reboot yet) related, where you go out and hunt down ghosts and then turn them into HQ hotspots, then maybe I'd be in for it.
i had to restart my game yesterday. i haven't played all week when i went to sign in it asked me to allow it to access my Gmail account. when i click deny, it refuses to log you in LOL. so i made a fake Gmail and started the game over, i was only level 5 anyway. i played it today on the long drive to boston early this morning ( i was riding in the back seat) I'm amazed you can still catch poke at 65-70mph!!

finally found my first pokestop today around the job site, but can't bring the phones on site so i left it in the truck. the game is very addicting but i can see giving it up over night... if that makes any sense?

theres a few gyms in town the highest guy I've seen is CP2100