Plasma Sabers


Well-Known Member
I run across this tonight and you guys may already be aware of the site. I am not into collecting light sabers, more into Trek props. Check this out.
Pretty slick effects although seems like you really have to whip that thing around pretty aggresively to get the sound to come out :D

....btw that is one d*mn nice car in your avatar.....
Originally posted by SithLord@Apr 13 2006, 08:51 PM
....btw that is one d*mn nice car in your avatar.....

That is from the NBC TV series Stingray that aired in the mid 80's. It was a great show IMHO. I wished I had one. I would even settle for a die-cast. Anyway back on topic.
Originally posted by hyperdyne@Apr 14 2006, 11:47 AM
Great, another patent infringer.  These guys are starting to come out of the woodwork.

No worries Jim. Once you market your indestructable ultrabright blades all these guys will go under.
Great, another patent infringer. These guys are starting to come out of the woodwork.

These guys couldn't infringe upon you with that POS if they tried. Nobody wants week old ground chuck when they can smell the filet mignon cooking in your kitchen, you know?

Nothing to see there, that's for sure.
Originally posted by Jedi-72@Apr 14 2006, 03:31 PM
Great, another patent infringer. These guys are starting to come out of the woodwork.

These guys couldn't infringe upon you with that POS if they tried. Nobody wants week old ground chuck when they can smell the filet mignon cooking in your kitchen, you know?

Nothing to see there, that's for sure.

yeah... I'm smellin what they hype' is cookin...... - been following that thread since fall of last year. Trying to figure out 1.) how to get on the list of the first 15 to go out 2.) how to aford/justify it. Although the justify part is pretty easy in my head...
I've never fancied owning a plasma saber - by all reports they are very fragile and to be honest, never look that good either.

Maybe they look better in person?

But I have to agree - the MR FX sabers and the EVEN BETTER Hyperdene blade images we have been drooling over recently blow these plasma sabers out of the water. ;)
Hey thanks guys. I didnt want to derail here. I still have a few plasma sabers in my collection. 6-7 yrs ago they were all the rage - and they still are the brightest blades you can get (well not any more - but they are 2nd brightest :p)

But alas, you cant duel with plasma. They are only for "looking at". LOL Mine have been demoted to wall hanger duty...