Pepakura TMNT Casey Jones mask for everyone!!!

Re: Casey Jones mask for everyone!!!

Hi Lo-tech, great work, thanks for sharing !!!

For better search results and to gain more interest from the pepakura fans around here you might want to add "pepakura" to the title. If you don´t know how to do that just shoot me a pm, I´ll do it for you, then ;)

RPF staff
Re: Casey Jones mask for everyone!!!

Thanks guys!! Yeah just add it the title for me. lol. I know theres not alot of casey masks out there.So i just figured I'd finish it up.I would like to add a few more styles to the thread.If anyone wants to chime in,post some pics of the style you like.I'll work on the in my spair time.
Awesome, thanks a lot for the file!

As for other designs, I've always wanted a replica of the movie mask, seen here:


As you can see it's fairly similar to the comic design, just with smoother angles and a few more ridges.
Thanks for fixing the title for me!!! A some point I'll be able to move around and learn the site better :) heres a couple more I'm gonna take a crack at.Yeah the movie version was def on the must have list :)
Hey, the link to get the mask doesn't bring up the file anymore. Is there a way I could get the .pdo for that it would be a huge help. Want to do a Casey Cosplay in about a month.
Can someone help me with finding Casey Jones mask? I keep looking at peoples pepakura models but can't seem to find the download file.