paper ST

Star Wars Man

Well-Known Member
do u guys have any paper stormtrooper armor? if so pics plez. and if not, and tips or anything if i start makin some?
i remember a while back someone posted a picture of a stormtrooper helmet they made by folding the paper into the sape of the was much smaller but look great.i'm pretty sure it was on this forum.i would love to see the pictures again if any body knows what i'm taiking about.
A while back I saw someone who had made some masterchief armor by extrapolating the 3-D model of the game model and its maps and printing them out. If you could find out what program they used, you could do the same thing with one of the publicly available stormtrooper models. Just a thought.
I meant that, with a paper costume, you could practice going through the day in the uniform and finding good ways for it to stay in one piece... :p
You could also see how people would react to seeing the ST while walking down the street, but it might not be the same reaction that the 501st gets when they do parades. :)